Fates and Furies Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Lauren Groff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fates and Furies Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Lauren Groff
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In a video in Part I of "The Antigonad," when does Go's cave land in London?
(a) 1979.
(b) 1666.
(c) 1832.
(d) 1144.

2. Where does the play take place in Chapter 8 of Fates?
(a) Boys' boarding school.
(b) A New York mansion.
(c) An old farmhouse.
(d) Swimming pool.

3. In "The Antigonad," which god cuts Antigone down, revives her, and seals her into a cave?
(a) Apollo.
(b) Psyche.
(c) Minerva.
(d) Dione.

4. What music did Antoinette play for Lotto when he as a pea-smeared child in a high chair?
(a) Tchaikovsky.
(b) Mozart.
(c) Rachmaninoff.
(d) Beethoven.

5. What was the only college Lotto applied to?
(a) Harvard.
(b) Vassar.
(c) Yale.
(d) Smith.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lotto sing when Sallie and Rachel are visiting for Christmas in Chapter 3 of Fates?

2. How many words can the bats that Go bred speak?

3. How old is Lotto on New Year's eve in Chapter 3 of Fates?

4. On New Year's Eve in Chapter 3 of Fates, what hours does Lotto say that Mathilde has been working to support them?

5. Where was Lotto born?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Phoebe Delmar think of Lotto's play, "Gacy"?

2. What does Mathilde say is Lotto's gift and why?

3. Where does Chapter 9 of Fates take place?

4. What is the name and topic of a play that Lotto writes in 2001?

5. What does Mathilde suggest that Lotto do two weeks after his accident?

6. Why does Lotto feel that Mathilde needs her sleep toward the end of 'Fates, Chapter 3' when he is awake using his laptop?

7. What does Lotto feel when Mathilde tells him he can be a playwright?

8. Who does Rachel marry in 2006 and how long does her marriage last?

9. What happens to Lancelot as he leaves a plane at the beginning of Chapter 5?

10. What does Pete serve Miranda to eat and drink in Act 1, Scene 1 of "Ship of Fools"?

(see the answer keys)

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