A Farewell to Arms Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Farewell to Arms Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Frederic and Catherine's relationship continues to be:
(a) monotonous
(b) in jeopardy
(c) immature
(d) playful

2. In Chapter 32, Frederic decides for sure that he. . .
(a) really needs to see Catherine.
(b) is done with the army.
(c) is ready to go home.
(d) is ready to be a father.

3. While on the train, Frederic encounters. . .
(a) welcoming handshakes for serving the country.
(b) an old man as his seat companion.
(c) a friend of Catherine's.
(d) scornful looks from other soldiers.

4. Once again, water symbolizes __________ for Frederic.
(a) danger
(b) escape
(c) a barrier
(d) challenge

5. The man who sees Frederic depart the train:
(a) offers Frederic a job
(b) offers to help Frederic obtain leave papers
(c) tells Frederic he has seen Catherine
(d) threatens to turn Frederic in

6. How does Frederic feel about patriotism?
(a) angry
(b) indifferent
(c) worried
(d) embarrased

7. Frederic proves his high level of intellect and common sense in Chapter 30 when:
(a) He teaches the men about ambulance machinery.
(b) He lectures the men on the war.
(c) He correctly reads the map to get to Udine.
(d) He knows the bridge would be safe for a single man to cross.

8. By Chapter 40, Catherine is approximately:
(a) six months pregnant
(b) nine months pregnant
(c) four months pregnant
(d) two months pregnant

9. Frederic finally finds a ___________ on which to travel.
(a) convoy
(b) horse
(c) train
(d) bicylce

10. Which character warns Frederic about the police coming?
(a) Rinaldi
(b) Emilio
(c) Count Greffi
(d) Fergy

11. As Catherine's labor progresses and worsens, Catherine is described as:
(a) yelling at Frederic
(b) being very alert
(c) staying strong
(d) going to pieces

12. Who shoots the already wounded soldier with the purpose to kill him?
(a) Frederic
(b) the other soldier
(c) one of the women
(d) Bonello

13. Which statement best describes the attitude Frederic took when he first fired at the fleeing sergeants?
(a) regretful
(b) unremorseful
(c) ashamed
(d) frantic

14. Frederic's son dies from:
(a) a hemorrhage
(b) inability to breathe
(c) pneumonia
(d) fetal distress in utero

15. When he arrives in Stresa, Frederic asks the hotel bartender. . .
(a) if he knows if there is room at the hotel.
(b) when the tourist season will begin.
(c) if he has seen British nurses.
(d) if he has news on the war.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which statement best describes Catherine's mood as they travel?

2. Which statement best describes Frederics feelings about spending time away from Catherine?

3. Frederic and the Count engage in a meaningful discussion about:

4. In Chapter 40, Hemingway's writing about Catherine's pregnancy seems to foreshadow __________ in Catherine and Frederic's future.

5. In Chapter 28, it is evident Frederic misses Catherine because:

(see the answer keys)

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