A Farewell to Arms Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Farewell to Arms Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Frederic emerges from the river, he. . .
(a) immediately thinks of Catherine.
(b) cuts the stars off of his jacket.
(c) sleeps for two hours.
(d) runs to a nearby village.

2. What is the cargo of the car in which Frederic has stowed away?
(a) guns
(b) tires
(c) food
(d) medical supplies

3. During the retreat, Frederic's group picks up. . .
(a) two prisoners and two women.
(b) two married couples.
(c) four townspeople.
(d) two soldiers and two women.

4. When he arrives in Stresa, Frederic asks the hotel bartender. . .
(a) if he has news on the war.
(b) when the tourist season will begin.
(c) if he knows if there is room at the hotel.
(d) if he has seen British nurses.

5. After the attack, the men are ordered to:
(a) surrender
(b) retreat
(c) attack
(d) hold their position

6. Frederic and Catherine's relationship continues to be:
(a) in jeopardy
(b) immature
(c) monotonous
(d) playful

7. Which statement best describes Catherine's mood as they travel?
(a) She is cheerful and optimistic.
(b) She is exhausted and fearful.
(c) She is energetic, yet pessimistic.
(d) She is cheerful, yet apprehensive.

8. At the beginning of Chapter 41, Catherine refers to her labor pains as:
(a) tranquil
(b) good ones
(c) effortless
(d) unbearable

9. In Chapter 40, Hemingway's writing about Catherine's pregnancy seems to foreshadow __________ in Catherine and Frederic's future.
(a) catastrophe
(b) relocation
(c) boredom
(d) contentment

10. Count Greffi provides Frederic with this advice about growing older.
(a) People do not grow wiser, they grow more careful
(b) People gain wisdom through great care
(c) People care about growing wise
(d) People grow more wary as they grow wiser

11. When the men arrive in Udine, the battle police. . .
(a) arrest and question them.
(b) seek medical treatment for their wounds.
(c) provide them with food and wine.
(d) insist they rest.

12. Catherine _________ Frederic's beard.
(a) likes
(b) ignores
(c) laments
(d) loathes

13. These two men finally reach Udine:
(a) Bonello and Piani
(b) Frederic and Piani
(c) Frederic and Aymo
(d) Frederic and Bonello

14. The porter knows Catherine and Frederic are not just taking a walk. Which of the following reasons does not convince the porter of this fact?
(a) It is raining.
(b) They have no umbrella.
(c) They are taking their luggage with them.
(d) It is the middle of the night.

15. Which statement best describes Frederic's feelings about his new mountain home?
(a) He is worried he will be found.
(b) He dislikes the Swiss weather.
(c) He copes with his new home, but is homesick for America.
(d) He is content with this lovely place.

Short Answer Questions

1. Catherine is fearful that Frederic now views her as:

2. Who tells Frederic that Catherine has left Milan?

3. Frederic's actions toward his jacket in Chapter 31 signify. . .

4. In actuality, Aymo is killed by:

5. The fact that one man from Frederic's group gave himself up to the Germans as a prisoner or war tells Frederic that. . .

(see the answer keys)

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