The Fall Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fall Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose company does Clamence say he removes himself from?
(a) Men
(b) Women
(c) Criminals
(d) Family

2. What did Clamence think of the auditor as before this chapter?
(a) As a dear friend
(b) As a compatriot
(c) As a lost brother
(d) As a fellow sinner

3. What is the sky full of?
(a) Gulls
(b) Planes
(c) Doves
(d) Clouds

4. Where is Clamence sent when he joins the French resistance?
(a) North Africa
(b) Italy
(c) South Asia
(d) East Europe

5. What other torture apparatus does Clamence mention in this chapter?
(a) The rack
(b) A spitting cell
(c) A thumb screw
(d) The hair puller

6. What disallows Frenchmen from walking hand in hand?
(a) The government
(b) Decorum
(c) Ego
(d) Women

7. What does Clamence now think of the auditor as?
(a) A fellow sinner
(b) A dear friend
(c) A comedian
(d) A blood brother

8. What city does Clamence contrast Greece to?
(a) Amsterdam
(b) Prague
(c) Paris
(d) London

9. Where is the camp Clamence is sent to?
(a) Cape Town
(b) Transvaal
(c) Tripoli
(d) Napoli

10. What is Clamence's most important duty?
(a) To bribe the guards
(b) To manage water rations
(c) To forgive sinners
(d) To find women

11. Why does Clamence claim Jesus went quietly to his death?
(a) He did not like the idea of being the only one alive
(b) He wanted to suffer
(c) He was looking forward to heaven
(d) He had lost his voice

12. What are the only two things Clamence says the doves can see from the sky?
(a) Shop signs and canals
(b) Smoke and cars
(c) People and cars
(d) Trams and bicycles

13. Who painted the painting?
(a) His father
(b) Rembrandt
(c) Jan van Eyck
(d) Vincent Van Gogh

14. What door does Clamence ask the auditor to open?
(a) The cupboard
(b) The bedroom
(c) The kitchen
(d) The wardrobe

15. What do jailers do to a person in the spitting cell?
(a) Gouge their eyes
(b) Pull their hair
(c) Spit on them
(d) Throw hot coffee in their face

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Clamence say is happiness for him?

2. What does Clamence think his suicide would do for his friends?

3. What does Clamence say he is not seduced by?

4. What does Clamence attempt to do when he sees the dog?

5. When does Clamence say his fear of judgment was born?

(see the answer keys)

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