Faith of My Fathers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Faith of My Fathers Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was a problem when John entered high school?
(a) His propensity for getting in trouble.
(b) His grades.
(c) His hearing.
(d) Making friends.

2. What did John and his friends do to the bully in retaliation?
(a) They reported him to the principal.
(b) They beat him up.
(c) Had his trunk sent to an Ivy League school instead of his ship.
(d) They ran his underwear up a flagpole.

3. What did Jack command during World War II?
(a) Three submarines.
(b) Three troops.
(c) Three cruisers.
(d) Three battalions .

4. How much oxygen did the USS Gunnel have when it resurfaced after being deeply submerged when the Japanese were around?
(a) They were completely out.
(b) Less than an hour.
(c) One day.
(d) Half a day.

5. What was John's term paper for history class about?
(a) The Civil War.
(b) His grandfather.
(c) Submarines.
(d) World War I.

6. How long did people mourn for John Sidney McCain Sr .after his death?
(a) More than a decade.
(b) A week.
(c) A year.
(d) A month.

7. What did John Sidney McCain Jr. and his wife find when they came home from their dinner date?
(a) John Sidney McCain Sr was drunk.
(b) The house was a disaster.
(c) John Sidney McCain Sr was sleeping with his tiny grandson.
(d) John Sidney McCain Sr was missing, and the baby was alone.

8. What two factors contribute to a student's class standing?
(a) Grease grade and neatness.
(b) Neatness and academic performance.
(c) Academic performance and lineage.
(d) Academic performance and grease grade.

9. Who were John McCain's heroes?
(a) John Sidney McCain Jr. and Sr.
(b) All Marines.
(c) All Naval men.
(d) His ancestors back to the Revolution.

10. What job did John McCain's grandfather have?
(a) Submariner.
(b) Naval Aviator.
(c) Naval cartographer.
(d) Aircraft carrier designer.

11. What was Captain Ben Hart known for?
(a) He was a comedian as well as a teacher.
(b) He was a tyrant to all students.
(c) He really cared about the students.
(d) He was a stickler for the rules.

12. How did John feel about the Academy when he first arrived there?
(a) He hated it.
(b) He thought it was easy.
(c) He thought it was challenging.
(d) He loved it.

13. How did Jack feel about the men serving under him?
(a) He thought they were ignorant.
(b) He loved them, but didn't think they were well trained.
(c) He greatly respected them.
(d) He was frustrated with them.

14. What happened when John McCain was five?
(a) The Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
(b) His grandfather died.
(c) His father died.
(d) His brother went off to war.

15. What award did Jack receive after his work on the amphibious assault?
(a) Meritorious Service Medal.
(b) Navy & Marine Corps Achievement Medal.
(c) National Defense Service Medal.
(d) The Legion of Merit.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many Distinguished Service Medals did John Sidney McCain Sr. receive during World War II?

2. How did John McCain view his father?

3. Strategies from which wars are included in this book?

4. Who was John's main teacher?

5. What did the signal from the USS Gunnel do?

(see the answer keys)

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