'F' Is for Fugitive: A Kinsey Millhone Mystery Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

'F' Is for Fugitive: A Kinsey Millhone Mystery Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After badgering him about Jean, what does Dwight Shales admit?
(a) That he had served time for assaulting a woman.
(b) That he wanted to date Kinsey.
(c) That he was her father.
(d) That he had an affair with Jean before she died.

2. Dwight Shales shows up at Tap Granger's widow's house. What does he tell Kinsey?
(a) That he got permission for her to look at Jean Timberlake's school records.
(b) That he was having an affair with Tap Granger's widow.
(c) That Tap had owed him a lot of money.
(d) That she better stay out of the investigation.

3. Dwight Shales drives Kinsey back to the motel after she visits with Tap Granger's widow. Who wants Kinsey to visit him, according to Ann?
(a) Royce.
(b) Jack.
(c) Rev. Haws.
(d) Bailey.

4. Tap Granger's widow tells Kinsey that he had recently come into some money. How did she say he got the money?
(a) He had made some good investments.
(b) He had a winning lottery ticket.
(c) He inherited it from his uncle.
(d) He had won the money in a bet.

5. After the doctor finishes his shower, how does he respond to Kinsey's questions about Jean Timberlake?
(a) He is willing to tell her anything she wants to know.
(b) He tells her he will not answer on grounds of confidentiality.
(c) He swears at her and tells her to leave.
(d) He says he has Alzheimer's and can't remember Jean.

Short Answer Questions

1. What staff members did Jean see a lot of during her last year of school?

2. Kinsey was was not happy about what she found on the Eucalyptus Mineral Springs' property. Why?

3. What does Kinsey overhear from Ori and her housekeeper the morning Ann goes to visit Royce in the hospital?

4. What does Rick specifically tell Kinsey about Jean's last night?

5. What are Kinsey's thoughts about what she sees at the Timberlake's old apartment building?

Short Essay Questions

1. Kinsey is woken up during the night after meeting with members of a local family at the pool hall. What wakes her up and what is the result of this?

2. What does the man who headed the Baptist youth group tell Kinsey about the Reverend Haws? How does he know this?

3. What is Ann's reaction to her mother's death? What does she speculate caused it?

4. Before phoning Shana and Dr. Dunne's office, Kinsey had left the room to avoid seeing Ann give Ori an injection. When she is finished her calls, what happens? What is the result of this?

5. What is Kinsey thinking about as she heads off to the Eucalyptus Mineral Springs Hotel spa after having no luck finding Shana at the three places she's checked? When she gets there, who does she talk to?

6. When Kinsey goes back to the motel after talking to members of a local family at the pool hall, who does she run into? What does this person tell her?

7. After Kinsey is attacked at the spa, where does she go to eat? Who does she end up eating with and what do they talk about?

8. Kinsey decides to go visit Tap Granger's widow, Joleen. What is her impression of Joleen? What does Joleen tell Kinsey about Tap?

9. While going through the documents that Dwight Shales gave her, what does Kinsey discover about Jean Timberlake's last few months at school? When discussing the documents, what else did Dwight tell her about Jean?

10. The night of Kinsey's attack at the spa she goes to the pool hall. Who does she talk with there? What does Kinsey learn?

(see the answer keys)

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