Expecting Adam: A True Story of Birth, Rebirth, and Everyday Magic Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Martha Beck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Expecting Adam: A True Story of Birth, Rebirth, and Everyday Magic Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Martha Beck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of person was Martha interviewing for her dissertation, a person who gave her insight into her son?
(a) Psychic.
(b) Magician.
(c) Therapist.
(d) Doctor.

2. John is gone on his ________ trip overseas when the fire in the apartment building occurs.
(a) Second.
(b) Tenth.
(c) Fourth.
(d) Third.

3. What happened to Deirdre after she left this man and became pregnant?
(a) She was unable to eat.
(b) She aborted the child.
(c) She went back to him.
(d) She decided to start a new degree.

4. What does Martha feel pushing her on when she is in the stairwell and gets tired?
(a) A hand.
(b) A voice.
(c) Her mother's perfume.
(d) Katie's screams.

5. What kind of disorder does Martha have that causes her to have difficult pregnancies?
(a) Fibroids.
(b) Cancer.
(c) Diabetes.
(d) Autoimmune.

6. What does Martha realize when she opens the door to her apartment during the fire?
(a) The fire is real.
(b) She doesn't know her name.
(c) She didn't tell John.
(d) She doesn't know where Katie is.

7. What did some of the daycare centers in the Beck's area require that parents have in order to be admitted?
(a) Grandparents.
(b) A larger home.
(c) A car.
(d) A steady job.

8. Where does John have to fly to every few weeks for his job in order to support the family?
(a) Europe.
(b) South America.
(c) Asia.
(d) Africa.

9. Who decides to relent in the argument between John and Martha about the baby?
(a) Both.
(b) No one.
(c) Martha.
(d) John.

10. On what day does Martha realize that she needs to eat or else she can not take care of Katie?
(a) Second.
(b) Fourth.
(c) Third.
(d) First.

11. What were Martha's students unhappy about, according to her account in the book?
(a) Her absences.
(b) Her pregnancy.
(c) Her appearance.
(d) Their term paper grades.

12. What was the result of the alfa fetal protein test that Martha took before the holiday?
(a) Low.
(b) High.
(c) Unclear.
(d) Normal.

13. What does Martha have to do in addition to taking courses in order to get her PhD?
(a) Write a research paper.
(b) Work in financial aid.
(c) Teach a course.
(d) Work at the library.

14. What was the symptom that allowed Martha to discover why she had so many difficult symptoms during her pregnancy?
(a) A tumor.
(b) Low iron counts.
(c) Lack of coordination.
(d) Vomiting.

15. What do John and Martha decide to do after they go to the doctor's office again?
(a) Shop.
(b) Walk in the park.
(c) Eat at a cafe.
(d) Have coffee.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Martha know that she needs to go although she's not sure she can make it on her own?

2. What does Martha receive when she gets home from the holiday, according to her account in the book?

3. What did Martha find herself doing with John when she was on her own and not eating?

4. What does Martha discover the next day that reminds her of the incident in the stairwell?

5. What thought melted from the mind of Martha as she heard the bells that rang like the ones at Boston Commons?

(see the answer keys)

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