Eternity in Their Hearts Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Don Richardson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eternity in Their Hearts Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Don Richardson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part II: The Gospel Prepared for the World, The Abraham Factor; Chapter 6: A Messiah for All Peoples, pp. 149-174.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When was there a plague in Athens that had come about because of a curse?
(a) 300 A.D.
(b) 600 B.C.
(c) 500 A.D.
(d) 400 B.C.

2. What book of the Bible did the Karen story of man's falling away from God contain parallels to?
(a) Matthew.
(b) Jeremiah.
(c) Genesis.
(d) Isaiah.

3. How many armloads of walking sticks did the Lahu say a man could have and wear each to a stub and still not be able to find Gui'Sha?
(a) Five.
(b) Fifteen.
(c) Twenty.
(d) Ten.

4. Near what bay was the ship that Nicias took to fetch Epimenides?
(a) Vatsa.
(b) Phaleron.
(c) Mirabella.
(d) Kamari.

5. Which of King David's enemies acknowledged God's greatness?
(a) Philistines.
(b) Canaanites.
(c) Hittites.
(d) Moabites.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much was Judas paid to betray Jesus?

2. How many years did Dr. Herman Tegenfeldt lived among the Kachin?

3. What book in the Bible has the following quote: "In the beginning was the [Logos] and the [Logos] was with [Theos], and the [Logos] was [Theos]"?

4. What did the apostle Paul say about Jesus that made the Athenian philosophers make fun of his message?

5. When did an engineer first catch a glimpse of Inca ruins?

(see the answer key)

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