The Epic of Gilgamesh Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Epic of Gilgamesh Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Gilgamesh say will happen if Humbaba kills him?
(a) Enkidu will have to kill Humbaba.
(b) Gilgamesh's name will live on forever.
(c) Gilgamesh will burn down the forest.
(d) The people of Uruk will hunt down the demon.

2. How does Enkidu feel about the journey into the forest?
(a) He hopes to see the shepherds again.
(b) He is excited to get out of Uruk.
(c) He plans to kill Humbaba himself.
(d) He is worried about the quest.

3. Who intercedes to help Gilgamesh overcome Humbaba?
(a) Enlil
(b) Ninsun
(c) Shamash
(d) Anu

4. Who is Ninsun?
(a) Gilgamesh's mother
(b) Gilgamesh's wife
(c) Enkidu's mother
(d) Enkidu's wife

5. What other people try to discourage Gilgamesh from undertaking his voyage to engage Humbaba?
(a) The shepherds
(b) The woman
(c) His mother
(d) The elders of Uruk

Short Answer Questions

1. What will supposedly make Enkidu lose his power?

2. By what phrase does Enkidu refer to Ninsun?

3. With whom does Enkidu live?

4. What falls to the earth in Gilgamesh's dream?

5. How does Gilgamesh say that Enkidu's paralysis will end?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is it significant that Gilgamesh cannot stay awake to pass the test Utnapishtim sets before him?

2. Describe the encounter Gilgamesh has in which the snake steals the plant of youth.

3. What does the barmaid tell Gilgamesh and what do her words foreshadow?

4. Describe the only available way to cross to Utnapishtim.

5. Describe what Enkidu sees in his dream of the underworld.

6. Describe where the Gilgamesh tablets are found and who found them.

7. Who does Gilgamesh decide to find and why does he wish to talk to this person/thing?

8. Describe the Cedar Forest as Gilgamesh and Enkidu encounter it.

9. Who does Gilgamesh command to mourn for Enkidu? How long does Gilgamesh mourn?

10. Describe Gilgamesh's answer to Siduri about why his appearance is so rough.

(see the answer keys)

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