The Epic of Gilgamesh Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Epic of Gilgamesh Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How far does Enkidu say the cedar forest extends?
(a) One hundred acres
(b) Ten thousand miles
(c) A distance of ten thousand double-hours
(d) A thousand acres

2. What will supposedly make Enkidu lose his power?
(a) Having his hair cut
(b) Being seduced by a woman
(c) Drinking wine
(d) Fighting a giant

3. What does Humbaba do to make Gilgamesh afraid?
(a) Roars
(b) Strikes him with a sword
(c) Changes his face
(d) Spews fire

4. What does the courtesan use to clothe Enkidu?
(a) Half of her own garment
(b) One of the shepherds cloaks
(c) The skins of animals
(d) Leaves from the forest

5. What happens to Enkidu's hand when he tries to open the gate?
(a) It is badly burned
(b) It falls off
(c) It is paralyzed
(d) It turns to stone

6. What other people try to discourage Gilgamesh from undertaking his voyage to engage Humbaba?
(a) The woman
(b) The elders of Uruk
(c) The shepherds
(d) His mother

7. How long are Enkidu and the woman together?
(a) A fortnight
(b) One night
(c) An hour
(d) A week

8. What does Enkidu do with the animals he finds in the woods?
(a) Kills them for the fur
(b) Captures them to sell in the city
(c) Frees them from traps
(d) Teaches them to attack Gilgamesh

9. Line 42 at the end of Tablet 4 is called what kind of line?
(a) A culminating line
(b) A imaginary line
(c) A final-line
(d) A catch-line

10. Gilgamesh's dreams are a realization of his personal what?
(a) Fears
(b) knowledge given by the gods
(c) curse put on him by the woman
(d) Hopes for the future

11. What is the woman called who seduces Enkidu?
(a) Eanna
(b) The courtier
(c) The harlot
(d) The courtesan

12. Why does Enkidu go to a celebration in Uruk?
(a) To dance with the woman
(b) Because he wants to be part of the celebration
(c) To stop Gilgamesh from sleeping with a new bride
(d) To eat at the feast

13. This person is created to keep Gilgamesh occupied.
(a) Gilganu
(b) Enkidu
(c) Anuk
(d) Allah

14. What does Gilgamesh say will happen if Humbaba kills him?
(a) Enkidu will have to kill Humbaba.
(b) Gilgamesh's name will live on forever.
(c) Gilgamesh will burn down the forest.
(d) The people of Uruk will hunt down the demon.

15. By what phrase does Enkidu refer to Ninsun?
(a) Mighty princess
(b) goddess of the sky
(c) Queen of men
(d) Wild cow

Short Answer Questions

1. Humbaba asks Gilgamesh to not do what to him?

2. Where do Gilgamesh and Enkidu go to contemplate their course of action and interpret Gilgamesh's dreams?

3. What does Gilgamesh do that awakens Humbaba?

4. What is stilled into silence when the men behold the forest?

5. Humbaba promises to be Gilgamesh's what if left alive?

(see the answer keys)

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