The Epic of Gilgamesh Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Epic of Gilgamesh Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the city Gilgamesh builds?
(a) Urukali
(b) Ukur
(c) Ruku
(d) Uruk

2. What do the people of Uruk say about Enkidu when they first see him?
(a) He is taller than Gilgamesh.
(b) He is shorter than Gilgamesh.
(c) He stronger than Gilgamesh.
(d) He is very hairy.

3. How does Gilgamesh say that Enkidu's paralysis will end?
(a) If they go into the forest together
(b) By killing Humbaba
(c) By sacrificing to Shamash
(d) By bathing in the Euphrates river

4. What does the courtesan use to clothe Enkidu?
(a) One of the shepherds cloaks
(b) Leaves from the forest
(c) Half of her own garment
(d) The skins of animals

5. What is a talent?
(a) A unit of measure equalling about sixty pounds
(b) A type of sword
(c) An ability a person has to perform well
(d) A unit for measuring length

6. From where does Gilgamesh's mother say his companion will come?
(a) The sky
(b) The wilderness
(c) The gods
(d) The river

7. What type of drink is Enkidu used to drinking?
(a) Water from a stream
(b) The wine drunk in the city
(c) Cow's milk
(d) The milk of wild animals

8. Why does Enkidu not like living in the city?
(a) Because he does not have a house of his own
(b) Because he feels weak and idle
(c) Because he prefers sleeping outside
(d) Because he misses the shepherds

9. What does Gilgamesh do that awakens Humbaba?
(a) Blows a loud horn
(b) Bangs on the forest gate
(c) Shouts seven times
(d) Begins to cut down the cedars

10. Where does Gilgamesh vow to throw Humbaba's body?
(a) At the gods
(b) In the river
(c) In Ishtar's castle
(d) On the plain

11. How many layers of armor has Humbaba put on when Gilgamesh and Enkidu arrive at the gate to the forest?
(a) Ten
(b) Seven
(c) Six
(d) One

12. Humbaba promises to be Gilgamesh's what if left alive?
(a) Best Friend
(b) Shepherd
(c) Servant
(d) Armorer

13. How many dreams does Gilgamesh have on the journey to the forest?
(a) None
(b) Two
(c) Five
(d) Three or Six

14. Who is Ninsun?
(a) Enkidu's wife
(b) Gilgamesh's wife
(c) Gilgamesh's mother
(d) Enkidu's mother

15. How many days would it take a mortal man to travel as far as Gilgamesh and Enkidu cover in fifty double hours?
(a) Twelve days
(b) Three weeks
(c) A month and fifteen days
(d) A week

Short Answer Questions

1. What falls to the earth in Gilgamesh's dream?

2. Where does Gilgamesh pour out his fine-meal?

3. At what time of night does Gilgamesh awaken Enkidu to tell him about his dream?

4. How many days does the journey to the Cedar Forest take?

5. What happens to Enkidu's hand when he tries to open the gate?

(see the answer keys)

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