The English Patient Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The English Patient Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Katharine throw at the English patient out of frustration in Chapter 5?
(a) Water and wine.
(b) Glasses and dishes.
(c) Shoes and jewelry.
(d) Plates and punches.

2. When Kip and Caravaggio go into the valley, what does Hana do?
(a) Takes the dog for a walk.
(b) Plays the piano.
(c) Wanders into the village.
(d) Stays at the villa and takes a bath.

3. Where does Katharine tell her lover they must end their affair?
(a) In the villa.
(b) The botanical garden.
(c) Inside the tent.
(d) By the piano.

4. What does the reader know about Katharine from Chapter 5?
(a) She has strong emotions.
(b) She is loyal and funny.
(c) She is extremely controlled and rational.
(d) She is calm and gentle.

5. What instrument does Hana like to play?
(a) The piano.
(b) The flute.
(c) The violin.
(d) The cello.

6. Where in the villa does Hana sleep?
(a) In different rooms.
(b) In the master suite.
(c) In the English patient's bedroom.
(d) In the kitchen.

7. What, presumably, is the English patient's profession?
(a) Attorney.
(b) Boat captain.
(c) Financier.
(d) Pilot.

8. What does Clinton let the English patient use to make exploration easier?
(a) His plane.
(b) His automobile.
(c) His metal detector.
(d) His radio.

9. Why is the English patient harsh when Katharine ends the relationship?
(a) He really doesn't care.
(b) He is hurt and angry.
(c) He knows she will come back to him.
(d) He is afraid her husband is listening.

10. How many bedrooms are in the villa?
(a) Two.
(b) Twelve.
(c) It is not specifically told in the book.
(d) Five.

11. What do Kip and Caravaggio discuss as they go to the valley?
(a) The war.
(b) Their families.
(c) Hana.
(d) Their hobbies.

12. With what group of people do the English patient and his team travel?
(a) Arabs.
(b) Egyptians.
(c) The Bedouin.
(d) Afrikaans.

13. How does Kip's partner die?
(a) He blows himself up.
(b) He accidentally steps on a land mine.
(c) He is attacked by a dog.
(d) He has an automobile accident.

14. What injury has Caravaggio endured in the war?
(a) He is blind.
(b) He has lost his thumbs.
(c) He has a fake leg.
(d) His nose is missing.

15. What year does Geoffrey Clinton join the exploration?
(a) 1929.
(b) 1936.
(c) 1972.
(d) 1902.

Short Answer Questions

1. What purpose did the villa serve before the English patient arrived there?

2. Where does Hana get her vegetables?

3. Why does the English patient love the desert?

4. Is the English patient still in love with Katharine when he is telling Hana about their relationship?

5. What is foreshadowed in Chapter 5?

(see the answer keys)

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