Empire of the Sun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Empire of the Sun Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many parties of prisoners walk out of the stadium?
(a) Four.
(b) Three.
(c) Two.
(d) One.

2. What does Lieutenant Price deliberately drive into on the road?
(a) A parachute.
(b) A dead water buffalo.
(c) A Japanese soldier's body.
(d) A motorcycle.

3. What has Jim been doing frequently since returning to Shanghai?
(a) Visiting Lunghua.
(b) Going to the movies.
(c) Fishing.
(d) Riding his bicycle around the city.

4. How long have Jim and Mr. Maxted been in the food line at the start of Part 2, Chapter 28?
(a) Two hours.
(b) Overnight.
(c) Just a few minutes.
(d) Since dawn.

5. Which of these people is not brought water by Jim in the stadium?
(a) Mrs. Vincent.
(b) Major Griffin.
(c) Mr. Maxted.
(d) Dr. Ransome.

6. What is Jim's reward for helping the Britishers unpack the canisters of rations?
(a) A can of Spam.
(b) Three cans of powdered milk.
(c) A parachute.
(d) A chocolate bar.

7. What does Jim find in D Block while scavenging the camp?
(a) A cricket bat.
(b) His turtle.
(c) A tennis racket.
(d) Golf clubs.

8. For what do the Britishers trade a parachute and some cigarettes?
(a) Coca-Cola.
(b) Fresh milk.
(c) Rice wine.
(d) Scotch whiskey.

9. What is Jim surprised to find is stained and cracked?
(a) The Buick's windshield.
(b) The walls of the stadium.
(c) The fence around his family's house.
(d) Lunghua's runway.

10. Over what does Jim have to be refrained from fighting with a Japanese corporal?
(a) The turtle.
(b) G Block's food cart.
(c) His "Reader's Digest."
(d) His golf shoes.

11. What kind of animal's carcass does Jim peer into on his walk back to Lunghua?
(a) A horse.
(b) A cow.
(c) A pig.
(d) A dog.

12. Where do Basie and the other bandits head to in Part 3, Chapter 40?
(a) Shanghai.
(b) Pootung.
(c) Lunghua.
(d) Nantao Stadium.

13. Whom does Jim run into at the end of Part 3, Chapter 41?
(a) Dr. Ransome.
(b) Mrs. Vincent.
(c) Vera.
(d) Basie.

14. Which of these things is not something Jim sees in the presidential box of the stadium?
(a) Cocktail bars.
(b) Statues of nymphs.
(c) A roulette wheel.
(d) Refrigerators.

15. What does Jim prevent Basie from shooting from the car?
(a) The pilot who gave him a mango.
(b) A turtle.
(c) A lone Chinese man along the road.
(d) A dog.

Short Answer Questions

1. What country's planes are circling overhead near the end of Part 3, Chapter 41?

2. On what kind of car does a British prisoner manage to lift the hood?

3. Who urges Jim and Mr. Maxted to keep moving when they are sitting?

4. What does Jim see on the road by a burned out ammunition truck on the road to Nantao?

5. On what does Mr. Maxted sit to rest in the approaches to Nantao?

(see the answer keys)

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