Emile Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Emile Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What task does Emile's tutor assign, which he must complete before Emile can marry?
(a) Emile must complete his apprenticeship.
(b) Emile must make a lot of money.
(c) Emile must know other women.
(d) Emile must go away and make himself worthy.

2. What will the principles the author recommends for Emile do for him?
(a) Line his pockets.
(b) Butter his bread.
(c) Serve as means to his ends.
(d) Stand him in good stead.

3. What is Emile reminded to be, at the beginning of Book 4, Chapter 3, "Managing the Sexual Desires"?
(a) Ambitious and assertive
(b) Skeptical and cunning.
(c) Obedient and submissive.
(d) Humble and honest.

4. What kind of love does Emile's father recommend?
(a) Love that fades slowly into partnership.
(b) Love that deepens and matures without being satiated.
(c) Love that leads to overwhelming sensations of satiation.
(d) Love that is consummated in death.

5. How does Rousseau change his stance about marriage as Book 4, Chapter 3 goes on?
(a) He says that marriage is not always a return to virtue.
(b) He says that premature marriage is not ideal.
(c) He says that marriage can lead to God.
(d) He says that marriage can often be a vice.

6. How does the priest describe the period after he left the church?
(a) As the beginning of his enjoyment of life.
(b) As one of the most disturbing periods of his life.
(c) As the end of his love for life.
(d) As the beginning of his true faith and wisdom.

7. Where do the differences between men's and women's roles originate, in Rousseau's opinion?
(a) In men's competition with each other.
(b) In a conspiracy against women.
(c) In women's conspiracies against each other.
(d) In nature.

8. How does Emile feel when his tutor assigns him the task that must be completed before he can marry?
(a) Eager.
(b) Daunted.
(c) Afraid.
(d) Displeased.

9. What topic does Rousseau treat at the end of Book 4, Chapter 3?
(a) Religion.
(b) Sexuality.
(c) Corruption.
(d) Disease.

10. How had Rousseau raised his children?
(a) With kindness but insistence on obedience..
(b) With strict morals.
(c) In tight-fitting clothes.
(d) He had given them up for adoption.

11. What benefit does Rousseau say can come from reading books?
(a) Intimacy with the divine.
(b) Great learning.
(c) Wealth and status.
(d) Broad experience.

12. What does Rousseau say is cruel and unjust in a man's behavior?
(a) To fail to ensure a woman's safety.
(b) To give children up for adoption.
(c) To reduce woman to a spiritual symbol.
(d) To force a woman to raise children.

13. What does Sophy's name mean?
(a) Experience.
(b) Power.
(c) Love.
(d) Wisdom.

14. What does Rousseau say is the rule for men?
(a) Quest after elevated things.
(b) Know yourself.
(c) Overcome yourself.
(d) Be strong and active.

15. What single subject is Book 4, Chapter 2 devoted to?
(a) Psychology.
(b) Sexuality.
(c) Religion.
(d) Epistemology.

Short Answer Questions

1. How will the right amount of work affect Emile?

2. How does Rousseau say a woman's gentleness will affect men's power?

3. Where did the priest find that philosophers were exceptional?

4. How has Emile come to feel about Sophy as Book 5, Chapter 3 begins?

5. How many important long-term relationships had Rousseau had by the time he wrote "Emile"?

(see the answer keys)

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