Embraced by the Light Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Betty Eadie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Embraced by the Light Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Betty Eadie
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the special flower in the garden doing when Betty first notices it?
(a) Changing colors across the spectrum.
(b) Swaying to music and singing praises.
(c) Floating down the river.
(d) Speaking to her.

2. What flower attracts her more than any other in the garden?
(a) Violet.
(b) Petunia.
(c) Rose.
(d) Daisy.

3. How does Betty describe her semi-private hospital room in which she recovers after surgery?
(a) Drab and ugly.
(b) Loud but cheerful.
(c) Small but adequate.
(d) Cold and drafty.

4. Why doesn't healing sometimes come right away, or come at all?
(a) Because we're cursed.
(b) Because we're not trying hard enough.
(c) Nobody knows why.
(d) For spiritual growth.

5. What part of a person communicates with God, receiving knowledge and insight from him?
(a) Brain.
(b) Mind.
(c) Heart.
(d) Spirit.

Short Answer Questions

1. Feeling restless at the hospital as she awaits her procedure, what does Betty do?

2. After talking at length with Jesus, Betty meets with two women. Who are these women?

3. As she focuses on the special flower in the garden, what perspective does Betty adopt?

4. What does Betty hear as she makes the transition from the hospital room into a tangible darkness?

5. Initially, what position does Betty find herself in as she travels through the large black mass?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe who Betty sees as she travels through this massive tunnel.

2. How does Betty's uneasiness at the hospital foreshadow what is to come?

3. A pinpoint of light appears at the end of the tunnel. As she gets closer, what does Betty see within the light?

4. As a child, how does Betty learn to fear God?

5. At the moment that she feels her body go lifeless, what happens to her spirit?

6. What does the experience of being a rose teach Betty?

7. How has Betty's perspective changed in this chapter?

8. Discuss some of the points Betty makes about the power we have to affect our own health.

9. Describe what Betty experiences as she travels inside the vortex.

10. What does Betty say is the glue that holds together her marriage to Joe?

(see the answer keys)

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