Elizabeth the Great Test | Final Test - Easy

Elizabeth Jenkins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Elizabeth the Great Test | Final Test - Easy

Elizabeth Jenkins
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who entertains Queen Elizabeth at his estate of Kenilworth in Chapter 18?
(a) Lord Burleigh.
(b) Sir Henry Sidney.
(c) The Duke of Alba.
(d) The Earl of Leicester.

2. Who marries Lord Sheffield's widow four days before she gives birth to his son?
(a) The Earl of Leicester.
(b) The Duke of Anjou.
(c) King Philip of Spain.
(d) The Earl of Essex.

3. What famous poem does Sir Philip Sidney write in honor of the woman he loves?
(a) Beloved.
(b) Silver Fairies and Golden Gnomes,
(c) Astrophel and Stella.
(d) Love Song to an Enchantress.

4. When the Church of England is criticized for appointing incompetent clergy, which of the following is not the kind of man Queen Elizabeth advises the bishops to appoint?
(a) Former Catholic priests trained in Latin.
(b) Honest, sober, and wise men.
(c) Men who can preach to the people.
(d) Men who can read the Scriptures to the people.

5. How does Lord Burleigh suggest that Queen Elizabeth rid herself of Alenzon when the prince insists they must marry as she promised?
(a) Have him assassinated.
(b) Offer him Mary Stuart as a bride.
(c) Help him seize the French throne from his brother.
(d) Marry him or pay him a lot of money.

6. After 1588, a cult develops in Europe exalting Queen Elizabeth to supernatural status as what deities?
(a) Isis and Freya.
(b) Diana or Cynthia, goddess of chastity and moonlight.
(c) Ceridwen and Demeter.
(d) Athena and Hera.

7. How does Queen Elizabeth react when she receives word that Mary Stuart has been beheaded?
(a) She prays for Mary's soul.
(b) She weeps.
(c) She faints.
(d) She laughs.

8. What skin disease has been thought from the time of Edward the Confessor to be curable by the sovereign's touch?
(a) Leprosy.
(b) Scrofula, a tubercular skin infection.
(c) Vitiligo.
(d) Warts.

9. What is Queen Elizabeth's reaction to the death of her friend and councilor at the end of Chapter 25?
(a) She cries and prays for a week.
(b) She shuts herself in her quarters and refuses all admittance.
(c) She gives her friend's widow a big estate.
(d) She builds a great memorial to her friend.

10. When Queen Elizabeth is 54 years-old, how old is Robert Devereux, the Earl of Essex?
(a) 54.
(b) 60.
(c) 21.
(d) 35.

11. What does Queen Elizabeth wear to ride through her troops and inspire them?
(a) A male soldier's uniform.
(b) A suit of armor.
(c) A steel corset and helmet with white plumes.
(d) A pirate's hat.

12. What is Queen Elizabeth supposed to be able to cure by prayer and touch?
(a) Burns.
(b) The plague.
(c) Cancer.
(d) Eczema.

13. Who does the Earl of Leicester secretly marry in 1578?
(a) Mary Stuart.
(b) Douglas Sheffield.
(c) Lettice Devereux.
(d) Lady Lennox.

14. With what married woman and cousin of Queen Elizabeth does the Earl of Leicester have an affair?
(a) Lady Mary Sidney.
(b) Lady Lennox.
(c) Catherine Grey.
(d) Lettice Devereux.

15. With what country does the king of France threaten to ally if Queen Elizabeth does not marry Alenzon?
(a) Spain.
(b) Germany.
(c) Sweden.
(d) Italy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What hunchback becomes Queen Elizabeth's advisor and England's Lord Treasurer, replacing his father in the position?

2. What physical ailment on Queen Elizabeth's leg heals in 1578?

3. What poet writes Queen Elizabeth about the disadvantages of marrying Prince Alenzon?

4. Who do the English blame for the Massacre of St. Bartholomew?

5. Why does Queen Elizabeth refuse the Prince of Orange's request to become queen of additional lands?

(see the answer keys)

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