Eleemosynary Test | Final Test - Medium

Lee Blessing
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eleemosynary Test | Final Test - Medium

Lee Blessing
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Instead of coming to see Echo, what does Artie do?
(a) She sometimes calls her on the phone.
(b) She asks Echo to meet her.
(c) She never contacts Echo.
(d) She write her a letter everyday.

2. In Scene 6, how does Artie communicate with her daughter after seeing her?
(a) She visits her once a month.
(b) She writes her letters once a week.
(c) She breaks off all communication.
(d) She calls her to help her study spelling.

3. After Artie accidentally sees Echo in scene 5, what does she suggest to Echo?
(a) That Echo and Dorothea come and visit her.
(b) That they have dinner together and talk about Echo's schooling.
(c) That Echo try out for the National Spelling Bee.
(d) That Echo now come to live with her.

4. How does Artie tell Echo about the National Spelling Bee?
(a) Over the phone.
(b) At Dorothea's house.
(c) At the book fair.
(d) She tells her about it over lunch at the deli.

5. Why does Echo feel such kinship to Dorothea?
(a) Echo feels nokinshipto Dorothea.
(b) Dorothea raised her.
(c) Echo feels she is just like Dorothea.
(d) Dorothea reminds Echo of her mother.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Dorothea help Echo remember her mother when Artie is gone?

2. What is a "vortex"?

3. How old was Artie when Dorothea cut off the lock of her hair?

4. Why does Echo buy the Robinson Crusoe book?

5. Why does Dorothea cut off a lock of Artie's hair?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do you think Dorothea wanted Echo to be so willing to give forgiveness?

2. What do all of the "educational stops " which the Westbrook women made have in common?

3. Why do you think Artie left her daughter with Dorothea, despite her own traumatic childhood with her mother?

4. Why do you think the author chose the book "Robinson Crusoe" to mention as being connected to Artie?

5. Why do you think the author chose to "kill off"all the male characters in the play?

6. Why are Artie and Echo arguing over Dorothea as scene 4 opens?

7. Why does Artie feel that she has fulfilled her commitment to Echo?

8. Why is Echo so ruthless in her defeat of the little boy?

9. Why is Echo unable to see what she is doing to the little boy in the Spelling Bee?

10. What evidence is there in scene 5 that Echo is intrigued by her mother and wants to get to know her?

(see the answer keys)

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