Eleemosynary Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Lee Blessing
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eleemosynary Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Lee Blessing
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 120 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Scene 6.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the opening of scene 2, what does Artie say concerns her the most?
(a) Her daughter.
(b) Her fear of flying.
(c) Her own inability to touch others.
(d) Her mother's health.

2. Where does Dorothea live?
(a) In an apartment in Artie's building.
(b) In a house next door to Artie.
(c) In a house near Artie.
(d) About an hour away from Artie's house.

3. What did Artie name her daughter?
(a) Artie.
(b) Barbara.
(c) Dorothea.
(d) Echo.

4. What news does Artie have for her mother when she calls her for the second time in scene 4?
(a) She is unmarried and pregnant.
(b) She is married to a professor, is about to finish her graduate degree in BioChem, and is pregnant.
(c) She has flunked out of college.
(d) She is sick and needs help.

5. How many names did Artie take on to keep from being found?
(a) 3 names.
(b) 8 names.
(c) 2 names.
(d) 4 names.

Short Answer Questions

1. In scene 2, with what does Artie say she has trouble doing?

2. How does Artie tell Echo about the National Spelling Bee?

3. Artie considered going to the spelling bee as her ___________.

4. Who opens scene 2?

5. How does Dorothea teach her granddaughter?

(see the answer key)

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