El Deafo Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Cece Bell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 186 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

El Deafo Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Cece Bell
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 186 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What item does Cece begin to notice her hospital roommate getting "all the time" (5), though Cece never gets any?
(a) Cotton candy.
(b) Ice cream.
(c) Soda.
(d) Salt.

2. What visual metaphor does Bell use to represent the over-the-top signing that some people "do AT" (104) Cece?
(a) A parrot.
(b) An octopus.
(c) A mime.
(d) A pumpkin pie.

3. When Cece arrives home from Ginny's birthday sleepover party, what action does she wish she had taken?
(a) She wishes she had screamed in the girls' faces.
(b) She wishes she had told the girls what she thinks.
(c) She wishes she had apologized to Ginny's older brother.
(d) She wishes she had stayed at the party all night.

4. How does Cece feel when she finds she is able to hear Mrs. Lufton wherever she is in the school?
(a) She feels that she now has a super power.
(b) She is scared that she will get in trouble for not telling someone.
(c) She feels ashamed.
(d) She is happy that she can find out if Mrs. Lufton really likes her or not.

5. Who tries to teach Cece the sign language alphabet at Ginny's birthday sleepover party?
(a) Missy.
(b) Laura.
(c) Carrie.
(d) Ginny.

Short Answer Questions

1. From what state does Ginny hail?

2. To whom is the novel dedicated?

3. What adjective does Cece use to describe the pouch that the audiologist gives her just before she leaves the audiology office?

4. What nice thing does Cece's brother do for her when she returns home from the hospital?

5. The audiologist gives Cece a little box with what items attached to it?

Short Essay Questions

1. Discuss the symbolism of the on/off switch on Cece's hearing aid.

2. With what illness is Cece diagnosed and what does the doctor say about it?

3. Discuss the irony present in the scene when Cece declares, "Just call me El Deafo!" (68).

4. What are the reader's earliest clues that Cece's friendship with Laura may not be a good match?

5. During the audiology appointment that Cece attends, what is the first sign to the doctor that there may be a problem with her hearing?

6. Discuss how Bell communicate Cece's hearing impairment to the reader before Cece knows it herself within the narrative?

7. Cece Bell begins the narrative by stating, "I was a regular little kid" (1). What examples does she provide for her conclusion?

8. What is the author's purpose for including images related to fishing on page 60?

9. How does Cece feel about learning sign language when the idea is first presented to her by her mother?

10. What signs lead Cece to eventually realize that she has a hearing impairment?

(see the answer keys)

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