The Egypt Game Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Egypt Game Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 146 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Marshall apologize to April?
(a) Because he did not cooperate with her.
(b) Because he dropped her math book, and she still does not have it.
(c) Because he was not able to help her.
(d) Because he kept crying.

2. What happens when April and Marshall leave Egypt after visiting at night?
(a) They see a shadow lurking in the distance.
(b) A car drives down the alley.
(c) Marshall starts crying.
(d) Someone grabs April as she leaves Egypt.

3. What do the Egyptians do after the first intruder lands in the storage yard?
(a) They scatter.
(b) They attack the intruder.
(c) They hang to each other in panic.
(d) They throw things at the intruder.

4. What news does April receive in a letter from her mother?
(a) She lands a part in a Hollywood movie.
(b) She thinks April should be able to return to Hollywood soon.
(c) She is singing more now, in hopes of getting a recording career.
(d) She is married, so April cannot come home.

5. What is April's reaction to the intruders on Halloween night?
(a) She is speechless.
(b) She laughs.
(c) She is angry.
(d) She cries.

6. Where is Security found?
(a) At a lost and found.
(b) At nursery school.
(c) At Marshall's house.
(d) Under the statue of Set.

7. Why does everyone think something strange is going on in Egypt?
(a) Everything has been rearranged.
(b) A few of the Egyptians mention seeing a shadow lurking on the outskirts of Egypt.
(c) Someone also answered April's question.
(d) It appears that someone has been performing ceremonies while the Egyptians are not there.

8. Why are the Egyptians unable to return to their game during Christmas break?
(a) The temple has been dismantled.
(b) There is a new lock on the gate.
(c) They are grounded.
(d) There is a new board on the fence and they cannot enter.

9. What happens to the man who hurts April?
(a) He claims he is innocent ,and the judge assigns him community service.
(b) He is sentenced to a facility for the criminally insane.
(c) He is held in jail awaiting trial.
(d) He is released.

10. What does April receive from her mother around Christmas time?
(a) A letter explaining that April will never be able to live with her again.
(b) A card inviting April to spend part of her vacation with her in Palm Springs.
(c) A post card telling April she is having a wonderful vacation in Mexico.
(d) A letter inviting April to return to live with her.

11. Who presides over the Oracle of Thoth ceremony?
(a) Toby.
(b) Melanie.
(c) Ken.
(d) April.

12. How is Toby able to come and go easily from home?
(a) He sneaks out of the house while his parents are asleep.
(b) His parents are frequently gone in the evenings.
(c) He tells his parents he is checking in on his grandmother.
(d) He always tells his parents he is at Ken's house.

13. What does April do when she visits the Professor at his store during Christmas break?
(a) She reprimands him.
(b) She buys a teacup.
(c) She asks him to forgive her for saying negative things about him.
(d) She thanks him.

14. What is Toby's reaction to the Egypt Game?
(a) He is confused.
(b) He makes fun of the Egyptians.
(c) He is indifferent.
(d) He is enthusiastic.

15. Who is the second Egyptian to pose a question to Thoth?
(a) April.
(b) Elizabeth.
(c) Melanie.
(d) Toby.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Elizabeth's solution regarding what to do with the intruders?

2. What do the Egyptians do after Marshall's question is answered?

3. What happens that allows Melanie and April to return to Egypt?

4. What does the Professor give April when she visits him at his store during Christmas break?

5. What does Marshall notice while the others are performing the Ceremony of the Dead?

(see the answer keys)

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