Edie, an American Biography Test | Final Test - Easy

Jean Stein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Edie, an American Biography Test | Final Test - Easy

Jean Stein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Edie blame her use of hard drugs on?
(a) Her father.
(b) Her psychological problems.
(c) Spending time at The Factory.
(d) Boredom.

2. How many more films did Edie shoot with Warhol after making Ciao! Manhattan?
(a) None.
(b) A dozen more.
(c) Four more.
(d) One more.

3. In what year did Warhol move into his 47th Street loft?
(a) 1965.
(b) 1967.
(c) 1969.
(d) 1963.

4. What does it seem most of Andy Warhol's relationships did not involve a great deal of?
(a) Communication.
(b) Sincerity.
(c) Emotions.
(d) Physical interaction.

5. Who began to give Edie a lot of attention after she became a member of Warhol's entourage?
(a) Her old friends.
(b) The media.
(c) Her parents.
(d) Men.

6. Who told Edie about Bob Dylan's marriage?
(a) Andy Warhol.
(b) Bob Dylan.
(c) The newspapers.
(d) Bob Neuwirth.

7. What drug was Edie said to be taking almost constantly around the time she filmed Ciao! Manhattan?
(a) Acid.
(b) Ecstasy.
(c) Marijuana.
(d) Speed.

8. Which poet did one of Edie's friends think Edie should meet?
(a) Leonard Cohen.
(b) James Reeves.
(c) Lawrence Durrell.
(d) Sylvia Plath.

9. What was Andy Warhol famous for (besides his art) when he and Edie met?
(a) His acquaintances.
(b) His hair.
(c) His parties.
(d) His money.

10. Who is Gerard Malanga?
(a) An artist.
(b) A drug dealer.
(c) A singer.
(d) A male prostitute.

11. How did Edie's choice of fashion change after moving to New York?
(a) She designed her own clothing.
(b) She stopped caring about her appearance.
(c) She began dressing more fashionably.
(d) She began to wear very outlandish designs.

12. How old was Bobby Sedgwick when he died?
(a) Twenty-seven.
(b) Twenty-four.
(c) Thirty-one.
(d) Twenty-nine.

13. What were members of Andy's entourage provided with by doctors?
(a) Condoms.
(b) Vitamin shots.
(c) Needles.
(d) Syringes.

14. As Edie's celebrity grew in the mid-1960s, what did she begin to believe?
(a) That she was a successful actress.
(b) That she could be loved.
(c) That someone was stalking her.
(d) Her own press.

15. What did Bill name use his room at Warhol's apartment for?
(a) A drug den.
(b) A gallery.
(c) An office
(d) A dark room.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Andy often lie about in interviews?

2. After Edie joined Warhol's entourage, what would happen any time she attended an event or exhibition?

3. How did Edie meet Andy Warhol?

4. What expression did Bobby use to describe his father's ways?

5. What led to Bobby's death?

(see the answer keys)

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