Eden Close Test | Final Test - Easy

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Eden Close Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What dazes Andrew when he steps into T.J.'s foyer?
(a) Chandelier.
(b) Mirrored walls.
(c) Friendly dog.
(d) Loud music.

2. When Andrew leaps up off the bed when he is in Eden's bedroom, what does he intend to do?
(a) Cause a diversion.
(b) Flip over the bed for protection.
(c) Tackle Edith.
(d) Stop the direction of the bullet.

3. How many days in a row do Andrew and Eden go to the pond in Chapter 5?
(a) Four days.
(b) Six days.
(c) Eight days.
(d) Ten days.

4. How does Eden let Andrew know that she will leave with him after she told him about Jim?
(a) She gives him a hug.
(b) She cries and says yes.
(c) She dances around in happiness.
(d) She nods.

5. Why does Andrew say he wants to go out on T.J.'s deck while they are eating dinner?
(a) He needs some fresh air.
(b) He wants to check out the view.
(c) He's freezing.
(d) He sees the gas grill smoking.

6. What does Edith find Eden using that Andrew gave her?
(a) Brush.
(b) Clay.
(c) Tape recorder.
(d) Book.

7. What does Eden tell Andrew about Jim in Chapter 5?
(a) He was difficult.
(b) He refused to acknowledge what was happening.
(c) He was always in her bed in one way or another.
(d) He hated her.

8. Once Andrew persuades Eden to leave the house, what does he realize she is missing?
(a) Sweater.
(b) Sunscreen.
(c) Sunglasses and shoes.
(d) Watch.

9. What kind of restaurant does Andrew usually eat lunch at during his work week in New York City?
(a) Sub shop.
(b) Thai.
(c) French.
(d) Italian.

10. What is Eden wearing when she is in the kitchen waiting for Andrew after he buried the dog?
(a) White pants.
(b) Khaki shorts.
(c) Gray dress.
(d) Blue seersucker bathrobe.

11. Who says "I won't have a son?"
(a) Edith.
(b) Jayne.
(c) Didi.
(d) Eden.

12. What does Andrew say hits his thighs and calves?
(a) Blood.
(b) Adrenaline.
(c) Buckshot.
(d) Glass shards.

13. What does Andrew say he is impatient to see at the end of the novel?
(a) Signs of Eden's pregnancy.
(b) Houses getting sold.
(c) His city apartment.
(d) His ex-wife.

14. When Andrew tells Eden that he wants her to come to New York City with him, what does Eden say?
(a) Thank you for rescuing me.
(b) I'm afraid.
(c) Let's go.
(d) I can't leave.

15. What does DeSalvo ask that O'Brien receive in Chapter 6?
(a) Coffee.
(b) Tea.
(c) Water.
(d) Hot chocolate.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Edith say Eden will experience if Andrew continues to see her?

2. What month is it in the last chapter of the novel?

3. What did Andrew ask Eden to do after he took the gun from Edith?

4. What was Andrew surprised not to find in Edith's dresser drawer?

5. What is the wallpaper design in Eden's bedroom?

(see the answer keys)

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