Eclipse Test | Final Test - Medium

Stephenie Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eclipse Test | Final Test - Medium

Stephenie Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Edward do to Victoria?
(a) Shoots her.
(b) Reasons with her.
(c) Decapitates her.
(d) Throws acid on her.

2. Of what does Bella become unsure?
(a) Going to Dartmouth.
(b) Going to Harvard.
(c) Going to visit her mother.
(d) Becoming a vampire.

3. What will Edward not tell Bella?
(a) That he will not turn Bella until she has completed college.
(b) That Jacob attacked Edward.
(c) About a vision Alice has.
(d) That Victoria has been spotted in Port Angeles.

4. What alibi does Alice create for Bella?
(a) Library work.
(b) Shopping.
(c) Tutoring.
(d) None.

5. What happens when Bella hits Jacob?
(a) She breaks her hand.
(b) He laughs.
(c) She cries.
(d) He gets angry.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why can't Edward help keep Bella warm?

2. Where do Bella and Charlie go to have dinner?

3. Who arrives at the Cullen residence as Bella is searching for Edward?

4. What does Jacob tell Bella?

5. Why does Jacob cry out in pain?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Bella say she wants to do with Edward and what is his response?

2. What makes Bella insecure about the idea of turning into a vampire?

3. Why do Jacob and Edward almost come to blows?

4. Upon what does Bella insist when it's time for training and what is Edward's response?

5. What changes Jasper's actions as a vampire?

6. What message does Bella get from her mother and how does Bella react?

7. Why does Bella cut herself intentionally?

8. What surprises Bella about the werewolf pack and why does Jacob change back to human form?

9. Who does Carlisle ask for help in fighting the newborn army in Seattle and why do they say no?

10. Why is Alice angry with Bella and how does Bella appease her?

(see the answer keys)

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