Eclipse Test | Final Test - Easy

Stephenie Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eclipse Test | Final Test - Easy

Stephenie Meyer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Jasper fight?
(a) Virginia.
(b) Paris.
(c) Texas.
(d) Madrid.

2. Why does the story about the third wife cause Edward concern?
(a) Bella believes the legends about vampires.
(b) Bella is considering marrying Jacob.
(c) Bella might do something foolish.
(d) Edward is not concerned about a mere legend.

3. What do Alice and Bella try to keep from Edward during the graduation ceremonies?
(a) Bella does not want to become a vampire yet.
(b) Jacob may try to kill Edward.
(c) Their realizations.
(d) Bella has a special surprise for Edward.

4. Who does Jasper lead?
(a) The War of 1812.
(b) The Spanish-American war.
(c) A huge war in Europe between vampires and werewolves.
(d) The army that is stealing other vampires' hunting grounds.

5. To what does Edward admit concerning Bella?
(a) He has loved her from the first day she arrived at Forks High.
(b) He is afraid to turn her to a vampire.
(c) He is afraid for her if they do not kill Victoria.
(d) He was jealous.

6. How does Edward explain the article Bella reads in the newspaper?
(a) It is a group of werewolves trying to implicate vampires.
(b) He has no idea what it is about.
(c) The rampage is a group of newborn vampires.
(d) It is nothing to do with werewolves or vampires.

7. Where does Edward send Bella so he can plan with Jasper?
(a) To stay with Alice.
(b) To be with Jacob.
(c) To the library.
(d) To Charlie's office.

8. What does Bella worry about if she were to become a vampire?
(a) She would not want to be with Edward forever.
(b) She would regret the decision.
(c) She would start killing indiscrimnately.
(d) She would lose her family ties.

9. What would Bella's blood do?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Excite the newborn vampires.
(c) Help Jacob find her when it is time for him to do his part.
(d) Help Edward find her when it is time for him to do his part.

10. What do Edward and Jacob do as Bella goes to sleep?
(a) Scout the area.
(b) Talk.
(c) Refuse to talk to each other.
(d) Fortify the area.

11. What happens when Bella hits Jacob?
(a) She breaks her hand.
(b) He gets angry.
(c) She cries.
(d) He laughs.

12. What does Jasper say will have to be done in Seattle?
(a) The newborns will have to be captured and educated.
(b) The newborns will have to be split up into other families.
(c) The newborn leaders will have to be executed and burned.
(d) The newborn army will have to be done away with.

13. What happens to Bella in the clearing?
(a) Nothing.
(b) She is attacked by one of their supposed allies.
(c) She is forced to return home with Charlie.
(d) She falls and cuts her hand.

14. What makes Alice and Bella begin to feel fearful?
(a) Thinking that Jacob will kill Bella rather than let Edward have her.
(b) Afraid that there might be violence at graduation.
(c) Thinking that Jacob may try to kill Edwards.
(d) Thinking that Victoria is connected to the Seattle newborn vampires.

15. Why is Bella happy about what her mother tells her?
(a) She is not happy.
(b) She won't have to worry about her mother's safety.
(c) She needs to talk to her mother.
(d) She does not like her mother's husband.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Jacob tell Bella?

2. Why does the person turn Jasper to a vampire?

3. What does Bella try to get Edward to do?

4. Who arrives at the Cullen residence as Bella is searching for Edward?

5. What does Bella read about at home?

(see the answer keys)

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