Eaters of the Dead: The Manuscript of Ibn Fadlan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Eaters of the Dead: The Manuscript of Ibn Fadlan Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the position of the man in question #15?
(a) War Leader of the Northmen.
(b) Emperor of Rome.
(c) King of the Britons.
(d) King of the Saqaliba.

2. Who is Wulfgar's father?
(a) Wyglif.
(b) Thorkel.
(c) Buliwyf.
(d) Rothgar.

3. What do the merchants have primarily in their houses?
(a) Weapons.
(b) Beautiful girls.
(c) Religious artifacts.
(d) Cloth and spices.

4. How does Ibn feel at first as he travels with the Northmen?
(a) Like he belongs in their group.
(b) Surrounded by kindred souls.
(c) As if he has never lived.
(d) Isolated and alone.

5. What is said in the introduction about Ibn's writing style?
(a) It may seem strange to readers.
(b) It reads like fiction.
(c) It is very descriptive.
(d) It is very poetic.

6. What does Herger say is customary behavior for Vikings before a sea voyage?
(a) Visiting family and friends.
(b) Praying in Odin's temple.
(c) Drinking and sport with women.
(d) Sleeping as much as possible.

7. What does Ibn see at the mountains?
(a) A multitude of caves.
(b) Goats that climb sheer cliffs.
(c) Hot springs gushing from them.
(d) Wild men with strange tattoos.

8. What is the essence of the people from question #25 culture?
(a) Warlike.
(b) Industrial.
(c) Nomadic.
(d) Agrarian.

9. What type of houses do merchants of the Northmen use?
(a) Houses with stone exteriors.
(b) Large wooden houses.
(c) They build their merchant house in the trees.
(d) Tents.

10. What is Buliwyf ask to do?
(a) Battle a fierce monster.
(b) Give the crown to Thorkel.
(c) Accompany Ibn to Rome.
(d) Build a new ship for the king.

11. What does Ibn learn during the funeral of the Northmen leader?
(a) Thorkel wants to marry Buliwyf's daughter.
(b) Buliwyf wants Ibn to marry his sister.
(c) Thorkel desires the throne.
(d) Wyglif wants to stay king.

12. Who travels first on the boat when crossing the river?
(a) The horses.
(b) Women and children.
(c) Warriors.
(d) All the men.

13. What does Ibn observe about the Vikings social customs?
(a) They have no cohesive society.
(b) They have a strong sense of ritual.
(c) They have a very loose social structure.
(d) They have few long time rituals.

14. What kind of toast does Wiglif make to Buliwyf?
(a) A very long, rambling toast.
(b) The traditional toast to a man about to die.
(c) He makes no toast.
(d) One that has both praise and insult.

15. What amazes Ibn about the hall?
(a) Its elegance.
(b) The number of women in the hall.
(c) The paintings on the wall.
(d) Its low ceilings.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the number thirteen correspond to in Viking lore?

2. What does Ibn tend to present in his writings?

3. In what year was Ibn Fadlan sent on his journey?

4. What happens the night before a funeral with the woman who will be killed to be placed with the dead man?

5. What kind of clothing do the Northmen wear?

(see the answer keys)

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