East of Eden Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

East of Eden Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Dessie want to take a trip with Tom?
(a) Europe.
(b) Asia.
(c) Brazil.
(d) Australia.

2. What university does Aron attend?
(a) Stanford.
(b) Georgetown.
(c) Harvard.
(d) Yale.

3. What does Cal plan to do with his share of Will's business success?
(a) Give it to Adam.
(b) Pay for Aron's college funds.
(c) Travel to Europe.
(d) Invest it in Adam's business.

4. Where does Dessie feel sharp pain at times?
(a) Her back.
(b) Her stomach.
(c) Her head.
(d) Her legs.

5. What is the occupation of Samuel's oldest daughter's husband?
(a) Tailor.
(b) Teacher.
(c) Farmer.
(d) Chemist.

6. What feeling burdens Adam as he works in his new position during the war?
(a) Guilt.
(b) Pride.
(c) Anxiety.
(d) Remorse.

7. What does Will Hamilton export during wartime?
(a) Lettuce.
(b) Corn.
(c) Beans.
(d) Potatoes.

8. Why does Cal choose to follow his mother?
(a) To prove Lee wrong.
(b) To get to know her.
(c) To help his father.
(d) To tell Aron about her.

9. What does Lee say is not a sin?
(a) Greed.
(b) Ignorance.
(c) Pride.
(d) Sorrow.

10. How does Tom plan to raise the money to take a trip with Dessie?
(a) Rent out the farmhouse.
(b) Raise and sell pigs.
(c) Sell a piece of land.
(d) Start a carriage-ride business.

11. Who tells Aron the truth about his mother?
(a) Abra.
(b) Avery.
(c) Lee.
(d) Cal.

12. Who tells Adam to tell his boys the truth about their mother?
(a) Samuel.
(b) Faye.
(c) Liza.
(d) Lee.

13. How long had it been since Adam had heard from Charles when he tries to contact him after his meeting with Kate?
(a) 10 years.
(b) 9 years.
(c) 11 years.
(d) 8 years.

14. Why does Samuel worry about Tom?
(a) He has no life direction.
(b) He cannot keep money.
(c) He seems belligerent and greedy.
(d) He never has any friends.

15. In what industry does Joe work?
(a) Packaging.
(b) Fabrication.
(c) Railroad.
(d) Advertising.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Adam want to ship to the East Coast?

2. What does Adam do when he hears that Cathy runs a whorehouse?

3. When does Abra begin spending more time at the Trask ranch?

4. Who knew that Lee would not stay away from the family long?

5. How much money does Adam have left after his first shipment is ruined?

(see the answer keys)

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