Early Autumn Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Early Autumn Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. On their first full day at the cabin in Chapter 16, Spenser and Paul go to North Conway for which of the following?

2. What does Susan think about the idea of Paul being away from his parents and learning self-reliance?

3. What does Paul ask Spenser about red and gray squirrels?

4. What does the man at the desk threaten to do in Chapter 25?

5. While Spenser and Paul are working in Chapter 22, who goes to the cabin?

Short Essay Questions

1. Does Susan make a good point about parental rights in Chapter 23? Why? Why not?

2. Why is the discussion that Spenser and Paul have in Chapter 21 about the rules of fighting an important one?

3. What is Susan's opinion about Spenser keeping Paul?

4. Aside from making sure that Paul has a presentable suit to wear to the ballet, what is the point of taking Paul to Louis' to get a suit?

5. Is the violence used in Chapter 24 necessary? Why?

6. Why does Paul's revelation that he would like to be a dancer important?

7. In Chapter 17, Paul asks Spenser why he cannot simply leave him alone. Spenser replies that he cannot leave him alone because everyone in his life has left him alone and it has not done him any good. He also tells Paul that his goal is to help him become a better person. What does Spenser mean by that?

8. As evidenced in his conversation with Spenser in Chapter 20, why is Paul curious in relation to why his parents think the way that they do?

9. Why does Spenser agree to keep Paul after the kidnapping scare when Patty is taken hostage?

10. Why does Spenser send Paul and Patty to Susan's house in Chapter 13?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Spenser feels that in order for Paul to be autonomous, he must learn to work with his hands and have structure and order in his life. To illustrate this, Spenser adheres to a routine of physical exercise and construction on the cabin mixed in with new experiences like going to museums and listening to baseball games on the radio. Do you agree with Spenser that such activities and lessons as these (and the others described in the book) are important to Paul's becoming autonomous? Why? Why not? Use the text to support your answers.

Essay Topic 2

Another major theme of this story is that of personal responsibility. Explore the idea of personal responsibility as it relates to each major character (Spenser, Susan, Patty, Mel, and Paul). How does each character feel about personal responsibility? How do they demonstrate those beliefs? Use instances from the text to support your answers.

Essay Topic 3

Choose one of the major characters in this book (Spenser, Susan, Patty, Mel, or Paul). Choose one specific situation out of the book and explain what and how you would have changed it. For instance, if you choose Patty in Chapter 1 where she hires Spenser, what would you change about that situation? Would you hire a private investigator as she did, or would you perhaps go to the police, to try to solve the problem yourself? Use instances from the text to support your answer.

(see the answer keys)

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