Early Autumn Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Early Autumn Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 201 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 5, what is Patty's first response to Spenser and Paul's entrance?
(a) "Where were you?"
(b) "Oh, Paul, I didn't expect you so soon."
(c) She cries and runs to her son.
(d) She throws her arms around Paul and gives him a big hug.

2. In Chapter 8, when Patty and Spenser are talking at the breakfast table, what conclusion does Spenser come to about Patty, Mel, and Paul's relationship?
(a) That they could really be a happy family if they all tried a little harder.
(b) That the three of them should go to counseling and work out their issues.
(c) That Paul is a trophy that Mel and Patty fight over to hurt each other; and that neither really care about Paul's well-being.
(d) That the divorce really was the most healthy outcome for the family.

3. What is Patty's reasoning for being married?
(a) To have a father for Paul.
(b) To keep her from being lonely.
(c) To get power and money.
(d) To have a stable home life.

4. In Chapter 10, what does Patty do in response to Paul's comments about her thoughts on the reality of modern women?
(a) She is quiet for some time, and finally acknowledges that he has a point.
(b) She knocks over her half-full cup of coffee and its saucer off the table and onto the floor; and leaves the kitchen for her bedroom, slamming the door.
(c) She begins to cry, and runs out of the kitchen and into her bedroom, slamming the door.
(d) Looking into her coffee cup, she says nothing,

5. In Chapter 7, what do Patty, Paul, and Spenser have for dinner?
(a) Cold tuna sandwiches on rye bread.
(b) Hamburgers and french fries.
(c) Steak, peas, and baked potato.
(d) Hot dogs with macarooni and cheese.

6. What happens to the Giacomin house two days following the argument about the role of the modern women?
(a) Patty apologizes to Spenser and asks him to leave.
(b) Patty gets angry at Spenser and demands that he leave the house.
(c) Some men come to kidnap Paul.
(d) Paul tries to run away.

7. What does the narrator buy at Bloomingdale's?
(a) A fedora.
(b) A pair of sneakers.
(c) A silver wine bucket.
(d) A gold watch.

8. In Chapter 4, what does the passenger say about the narrator's profession?
(a) That it is a rotten occupation.
(b) That it is awfully gross.
(c) That it is totally great.
(d) That it is very interesting.

9. Who is Elaine Brooks?
(a) Spenser's client.
(b) Mel Giacomin's girlfriend.
(c) Spenser's receptionist.
(d) A witness.

10. What is Spenser's response to Patty's "plan" in Chapter 7?
(a) He tells her that it will not work, and that they must think of something else.
(b) He politely declines the job, and gives her the name of an associate more suited for that type of work.
(c) He asks her to put him on permanent retainer.
(d) He agrees, but acknowledges that guarding them is only a temporary solution.

11. In Chapter 11, one of the men says something about Spenser and guns. What is it?
(a) That Spenser has had a bad history with guns, and that he should stay away from them.
(b) That Spenser could not hit the broad side of a barn with a shotgun full of bird shot.
(c) That Spenser never was a shooter, and that is what is wrong with him.
(d) That Spenser never carries a gun.

12. Who is inside the building that the narrator enters in Chapter 3?
(a) Hawk and Henry.
(b) Mel Giacomin and Elaine Brooks.
(c) Spenser and Susan Silverman.
(d) Patty Giacomin and Paul Giacomin.

13. After solving the kidnapping case, when does Spenser hear from Patty again?
(a) In April.
(b) In December.
(c) In May.
(d) In October.

14. Besides the narrator, who else was evicted from the corner of Massachusetts Avenue and Boylston?
(a) A pet shop and a dry cleaner.
(b) No one.
(c) A fortune-teller and a bookie.
(d) A bank and a tailor.

15. Who are the two men who force their way into Patty's house in Chapter 11?
(a) Henry and Harry.
(b) Buddy and Harold.
(c) Spenser and Buddy.
(d) Hawk and Harry.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Spenser not want a personal relationship with Patty?

2. What did Paul say about his own father and cooking?

3. What new character is introduced in Chapter 6?

4. In Chapter 8, what does Patty inform Spenser in relation to the upcoming weekend?

5. In Chapter 4, what reasoning does the narrator give for his career choice?

(see the answer keys)

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