Durango Street Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Durango Street Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which police officer brings in a Gasser discovered in the alley?
(a) Patrol Officer Wenzle.
(b) Sergeant Wenzle.
(c) Patrol Officer Starkey.
(d) Sergeant Starkey.

2. For roughing up Rufus' sister and cutting off one of her pigtails, Alex Robbins encourages her family to do what?
(a) Ignore the matter, there is no serious harm, her hair will grow back.
(b) Meet with the parents of Gassers members to discuss the matter.
(c) File a police report.
(d) File a social department complaint.

3. Simon gets put in the rear of a police car, with whom on either side of him?
(a) Alex Robbins on one side, Ernie Brown on the other.
(b) Simon Jones on one side, Rufus on the other, Alex Robbins in-between.
(c) Alex Robbins on one side, a patrol officer on the other.
(d) Ernie Brown on one side, a patrol officer on the other.

4. The Moors make plans to steal liquor from the grocery, but Rufus becomes nervous and leads them where instead?
(a) Fat Boy's for food.
(b) The Durango Diner for food.
(c) Burger Shack for food.
(d) The Happy Spot for food.

5. Rufus is pleased with the plan to hold the dance, as he thinks Simon will try to make trouble and what will happen?
(a) Simon will be locked up for a long time.
(b) There will be a rumble between the Gassers and Moors present.
(c) The Gassers will be in an embarrassing spot.
(d) Simon will not be able to do anything due to a police presence.

Short Answer Questions

1. After learning about his sister's pigtail, Rufus goes to his room and obtains stolen explosives he has been hiding where?

2. The Moors make arrangements to hire how large a band for the graduation event?

3. The Moors begin to climb up a chain-link fence but don't make it over before what?

4. Whereas Rufus felt a graduation celebration was a silly notion earlier, why is it he thinks it is a good idea now?

5. When Simon runs away, Rufus then starts Simon's car and does what?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Rufus Henry go to the residence of the leader of the Bloods, Pelican Smith?

2. What plan does Rufus Henry describe to the Moors as to how he intends to use the rifle?

3. At the playground while the Moors are awaiting the arrival of Alex Robbins for a 7 p.m. meeting, two girls approach them in the dark and propose what?

4. What do Sergeant Starkey and Alex Robbins discuss in their private conversation subsequent to Rufus Henry destroying Simon Jones' car?

5. What do Rufus Henry, Ernie Brown, and Alex Robbins say to each other on the ride home from the neighborhood field following Rufus fighting Simon Jones?

6. What transpires when Alex Robbins later stops by Rufus Henry's home after the graduation celebration?

7. What are some of the steps Rufus Henry takes on the day he plans to retaliate against the Gassers?

8. What does Ernie Brown suggest the boys begin in the projects?

9. What is Alex Robbins' reaction when the Moors tell him they desire to host a black-tie event at a local hall, including several hundred guests as well as police presence?

10. How do the Moors prompt the Gassers to chase them to the location they want the attack to take place that evening?

(see the answer keys)

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