Durango Street Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Durango Street Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 198 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Durango Street offers hope that a dangerous gang is able to become a benign social organization how?
(a) With help from sports figures.
(b) With no outside intervention necessary.
(c) With outside intervention.
(d) Members going to prison or outgrowing their youth.

2. Rufus recognizes he is moving dangerously fast in his plan to make a truce with other gangs, but reminds himself of what?
(a) Progress requires that he take some risk.
(b) He cannot back down now that he has proposed his plan.
(c) He needs to move quickly to stay ahead of the Gassers.
(d) Ernie Brown moves just as fast on the football field.

3. Who are Rufus' siblings who greet him?
(a) Janet, Curtis.
(b) Janice, Curtis.
(c) Janet, Custer.
(d) Janet, Cutler.

4. Once safely at home following the alley confrontation, Rufus hears his mother doing what?
(a) Talking to his sister.
(b) Praying.
(c) Talking on the phone.
(d) Crying.

5. As Rufus sees the "Gassers" sticker car being stopped by the police, what does he do?
(a) Pulls his sister into a nearby store so the gangsters do not see them.
(b) Pulls his sister into the shadows so the gangsters do not see them.
(c) Turns his sister around to walk back so the gangsters do not see them.
(d) Splits apart from his sister so the gangsters do not see them.

6. Subsequent to the sack-throwing incident, a police officer pulls up and asks what of Rufus and his sister?
(a) If they know anything about the "Gassers" sticker car.
(b) Their names, ages, and addresses.
(c) Where they live and where they are going.
(d) What they are doing out after dark.

7. Rufus manages to hold his own against Bantu, forcing him to drop his knife, and then what?
(a) Beats him semi-conscious.
(b) Beats him unconscious.
(c) Strikes him a number of times quite hard.
(d) Chases him from the scene.

8. Mr. Rubio announces that Rufus will be going home when?
(a) In a week.
(b) In a few days.
(c) In two weeks.
(d) Tomorrow.

9. Which problems does Rufus admit to Mr. Rubio?
(a) Narcotics addiction.
(b) Alcoholism.
(c) Acne.
(d) None.

10. While holding the broken bottle in defense, what does Rufus say he is demanding the Gassers' car keys for?
(a) Locking them in the car's trunk.
(b) Stealing their car.
(c) Throwing them in the sewer.
(d) Keeping them so they cannot chase him.

11. The meetings Rufus has with Mr. Rubio transpire when?
(a) Every two weeks.
(b) Daily.
(c) Weekly.
(d) Twice a week.

12. Concluding his fight with Bantu, Rufus calls for a Moors meeting to be held when?
(a) The day after Bantu leaves the gang.
(b) One week after Bantu leaves the gang.
(c) On Saturday night after Bantu leaves the gang.
(d) Later that night when Bantu leaves the gang.

13. What does Rufus do to stall for time at the grocery?
(a) Talks with the clerk.
(b) Buys sodas to drink for his sister and himself.
(c) Talks with the owner.
(d) Reads labels.

14. En route to the store, kids in a car with a "Gassers" sticker throw what at Rufus?
(a) A sack of empty bottles.
(b) A sack of chains.
(c) A sack of broken bricks.
(d) A sack of dirty diapers.

15. Now that Ernie Brown will be nearby, Rufus has a fantasy that he will meet Ernie and what else?
(a) Be recognized as a skillful passer.
(b) Be recognized as a skillful receiver.
(c) Be recognized as his younger brother.
(d) Be recognized as his son.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Pine Valley Honor Camp?

2. When Rufus asks his mother if she was really married to Ernie Brown, what is her response?

3. Rufus realizes the Moors must agree to meet Alex Robbins at the crafts room for what reason?

4. In the fight among the Moors, author Frank Bonham relies upon a literary archetype - that is, the noble warrior who does what?

5. Responding to Alex Robbins' suggestion that the Moors elect a new president, Rufus nominates which members as president and secretary respectively?

(see the answer keys)

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