Dubliners Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dubliners Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When "Ivy Day in the Committee Room" introduces Mr. O'Connor, what is he doing?
(a) Listening to the radio.
(b) Rolling a cigarette.
(c) Reading a newspaper.
(d) Opening a bottle of wine.

2. How does Little Chandler attempt to stop the baby's crying?
(a) He yells.
(b) He recites poetry.
(c) He begins to cry too.
(d) He sings a lullabye.

3. Mr. Alleyne's accent signifies that he comes from where?
(a) New York City.
(b) Scotland.
(c) North of Ireland.
(d) London.

4. In "A Little Cloud," how long has it been since Little Chandler has seen Gallaher?
(a) Two weeks.
(b) Twenty years.
(c) Eight years.
(d) Three hours.

5. How old is Mrs. Sinico when she dies in "A Painful Case"?
(a) Thirty-nine.
(b) Sixty.
(c) Fifty-two.
(d) Forty-three.

6. What type of hat does Farrington wear while he walks to the pub?
(a) A baseball cap.
(b) A beret.
(c) A plaid shepherd's cap.
(d) A cowboy hat.

7. Where do Mr. Duffy and Mrs. Sinico meet for the last time in "A Painful Case"?
(a) In a park.
(b) In Mrs. Sinico's front parlor.
(c) At a cakeshop.
(d) At a restaurant.

8. What does Mrs. Kernan make for her husband in order to nurse him back to health?
(a) Blancmange.
(b) Beef tea.
(c) Gelatin.
(d) Chicken soup.

9. In "Ivy Day at the Committee Room", what are the men expecting to arrive at any moment with?
(a) Dinner.
(b) Beer.
(c) A newspaper.
(d) Election results.

10. In "Ivy Day in the Committee Room," who recites a poem?
(a) Mr. Henchy.
(b) Mr. Hynes.
(c) Mr. O'Connor.
(d) Mr. Fanning.

11. When she was still single, what did Mrs. Kearney do instead of falling in love?
(a) She watched birds.
(b) She ate Turkish Delight.
(c) She stayed at home.
(d) She went dancing.

12. In "A Little Cloud," where do Little Chandler and Gallaher meet to have a drink?
(a) The King's Inn.
(b) Corless's.
(c) Sean's Pub.
(d) The Spring Garden.

13. What is the setting as "Clay" begins?
(a) A church.
(b) A kitchen.
(c) A bedroom.
(d) An art studio.

14. In what month does "Ivy Day in the Committee Room" take place?
(a) October.
(b) April.
(c) December.
(d) February.

15. At the end of "Clay," what is Joe unable to find?
(a) A nutcracker.
(b) A corkscrew.
(c) His hat.
(d) A prayer book.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Farrington's son offer to do by way of apology for offending Farrington?

2. Which night does the Committee of "A Mother" plan to present the best concert?

3. In what month does "Counterparts" take place?

4. In "Clay," when Maria has visitors, what does she give them?

5. What is Mr. Power's first name?

(see the answer keys)

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