Dubliners Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dubliners Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the American in "After the Race"?
(a) Smith.
(b) Routh.
(c) Farley.
(d) Jackson.

2. According to "After the Race," where do Segouin and Doyle meet each other?
(a) Rome.
(b) Dublin University.
(c) Cambridge.
(d) The wharf.

3. How old is Eveline?
(a) Eighteen.
(b) Twenty-one.
(c) Twenty-two.
(d) Nineteen.

4. In what profession does Doyle's father became wealthy?
(a) Baker.
(b) Merchant.
(c) Entrepreneur.
(d) Butcher.

5. In "After the Race," which of the four men in the car is happy because of having had a good lunch?
(a) Villona.
(b) O'Brien.
(c) Doyle.
(d) Father Flynn.

6. Eveline remembers that one day long ago she and her family had taken a picnic where?
(a) The moors.
(b) The wharf in Dublin.
(c) The seaside.
(d) The Hill of Howth.

7. What musical instrument does Villona play well?
(a) Piano.
(b) Clarinet.
(c) Violin.
(d) Church organ.

8. Where does Polly wait for Mr. Doran while he is talking with Mrs. Mooney?
(a) In the kitchen.
(b) On the landing of the stairs.
(c) Outside.
(d) On Mr. Doran's bed.

9. The church fathers had written books as large as which book familiar to the narrator of "The Sisters"?
(a) The Oxford English Dictionary.
(b) Post Office Directory.
(c) War and Peace.
(d) Les Miserables.

10. Of what did the dead man in "The Sisters" die?
(a) Rubella.
(b) Whooping cough.
(c) Meningitis.
(d) Paralysis.

11. What food items does Mrs. Mooney lock up after breakfast?
(a) Sugar and butter.
(b) Coffee and tea.
(c) Ale and wine.
(d) Bacon and roast beef.

12. What game do the men play at the end of "After the Race"?
(a) Cricket.
(b) Golf.
(c) Cards.
(d) Bridge.

13. What is Araby?
(a) A village by the sea.
(b) A holiday.
(c) A school.
(d) A bazaar.

14. On which street does the narrator of "Araby" live?
(a) North Richmond Street.
(b) South Ringsend.
(c) Grand Avenue.
(d) Main Street.

15. In "The Sisters," who helped the dead man's sisters deal with the funeral arrangements?
(a) The narrator's aunt.
(b) Father Flynn.
(c) Old Cotter.
(d) Father O'Rourke.

Short Answer Questions

1. The narrator of "An Encounter" mentions that he prefers which genre of literature to the Wild West stories?

2. What is Villona's country of origin?

3. Who bought the field in which Eveline used to play?

4. In "An Encounter," where do the boys plan to meet for their day of adventure?

5. What do the mourners have to drink after viewing the corpse in "The Sisters"?

(see the answer keys)

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