Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What topic is off-limits with Lanyon?

2. What causes Hyde to apologize?

3. What item(s) are requested from Lanyon by Hyde?

4. What was the deadline for Jekyll returning to his former state?

5. Who is with Utterson when he sees Jekyll?

Short Essay Questions

1. Utterson was relieved when Jekyll began to be social once again. What happened shortly after Jekyll threw a dinner party?

2. According to Jekyll, who will be visiting Lanyon at his home?

3. What was the first major change Jekyll noticed about his body in regard to Hyde?

4. Utterson decides to go to see Jekyll immediately. How does Jekyll react when Utterson tries to see him?

5. Jekyll has become desperate and continually begs for relief. Jekyll has been crying day and night over the lack of what item?

6. Utterson and Enfield take a walk and decide to pay a visit to Jekyll. What time of day is it when the men visit Jekyll?

7. What is it in Jekyll's response that does not convince Utterson or Poole that everything is all right?

8. While Utterson and Enfield are speaking to Jekyll, a sudden change comes over the doctor. What about Jekyll shocks Utterson?

9. Jekyll insists that while he is a man of science and considered religion as a part of his experiment, he denies that he has developed what trait?

10. The author makes it clear that Hyde was a metaphor. What did Hyde represent?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Poole was bound by duty to honor Jekyll's wishes. However, after Poole was convinced that there was something seriously wrong with Jekyll, the butler violated his confidences and approached Utterson. Do you think the decision was difficult for Poole to make? Was it the right decision? How might the ending have changed if Poole had not interfered?

Essay Topic 2

Every person who sees Edward Hyde is paralyzed by fear and revulsion. None of the people who see Hyde's face can accurately describe it except to say that the man has an air of deformity without being deformed. What do you think they meant? Explain your opinion of Hyde's appearance.

Essay Topic 3

Manners and respectability were of the highest order in Victorian times. This can be seen in the way friends disagree as well as Lanyon's reaction to Hyde's impatience and rudeness. Compare and contrast today's societal expectations and allowances when it comes to manners and respectability.

(see the answer keys)

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