Drinking: A Love Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Caroline Knapp
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Drinking: A Love Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Caroline Knapp
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Knapp learn from her father's drinking?
(a) When he drank, he got sloppy and irresponsible.
(b) After his first bottle of wine, he would become expansive and tell stories.
(c) After the first martini, he would get belligerent.
(d) After a couple of drinks, he would relax.

2. How old was Knapp when she fell in love with David?
(a) Twenty-eight.
(b) Sixteen.
(c) Twenty-one.
(d) Nineteen.

3. How did Knapp almost hurt people?
(a) By beating them.
(b) By falling on them.
(c) By cutting them.
(d) By hitting them with her car.

4. How would Knapp make it through an evening with her boyfriend?
(a) She would hide a flask in the sofa.
(b) She would not drink.
(c) She would go to the car to drink scotch.
(d) She would wait until her boyfriend went to sleep to drink.

5. Where does Knapp write her column?
(a) The L. A. Times.
(b) The Boston Phoenix.
(c) The New Yorker.
(d) The Village Voice.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Knapp's relationship with David like at the beginning?

2. Where would Knapp escape to when she needed to get out of her apartment?

3. When Knapp met her friend for drinks, how long would it take before the drinks kicked in?

4. How did the people around Knapp see her?

5. What behavior of Knapp's started to worry her friends and family?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Knapp's relationship with her father.

2. What does Knapp love about drinking?

3. What confrontation do Knapp and her mother have after Knapp's father dies?

4. What does Knapp realize during the last six months of her drinking?

5. What relationship does Knapp have with her readers when she writes for the Boston Phoenix?

6. How does Knapp strategize to hide her drinking at the end?

7. How does alcohol affect Knapp's relationship with David?

8. What does Knapp realize after AA and years of therapy?

9. Describe Knapp's relationship with Roger.

10. Describe the first time Knapp got drunk.

(see the answer keys)

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