Drinking: A Love Story Test | Final Test - Easy

Caroline Knapp
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Drinking: A Love Story Test | Final Test - Easy

Caroline Knapp
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Knapp spend her last night before rehab?
(a) Passed out in Michael's room.
(b) Drinking at home alone.
(c) With her sister.
(d) Drinking a little with Julian.

2. What feelings motivate Knapp's drinking now that she starts seeing Michael?
(a) Anxiety that Michael will see the same things Julian saw.
(b) Guilt over seeing Michael and Julian.
(c) Longing for Michael's embraces.
(d) Happiness and freedom.

3. What condition is Knapp in when she goes to the therapist?
(a) Depressed.
(b) Hysterical.
(c) Sobbing.
(d) Drunk.

4. How does Knapp's sister's wedding make Knapp feel about her relationship?
(a) She is confident that she is on the way to being married too.
(b) She knows that the relationship is wrong for her.
(c) She feels her relationship is failing.
(d) She sees what she will need to do to get married.

5. How often would Knapp call her sister to say she had had a fight with Julian?
(a) Every few days.
(b) Every other week.
(c) Once a month.
(d) Once a week.

6. How did Knapp's alcoholism relate to her bulimia and anorexia?
(a) It became a substition.
(b) It became a trigger.
(c) They all combined to feed a compulsive need for love.
(d) It took the edge off.

7. What sensation does the chemical that the brain releases create?
(a) Paranoia.
(b) Exaltation.
(c) Calm.
(d) Pleasure.

8. What physical symptoms does Tess experience on her way home?
(a) Temporary blindness.
(b) Heaving bleeding.
(c) She cannot breathe.
(d) She has terrible pains in her belly.

9. What does Knapp remember of her father's last months?
(a) Constant fights and constant drinking.
(b) Forgiveness and peace.
(c) Hate and tension in the house.
(d) A perpetual stream of visitors.

10. How did Janet deal with the pain she felt?
(a) She made herself throw up.
(b) She studied.
(c) She cut herself.
(d) She drank till she blacked out.

11. How does Knapp's friend Abby realize that she is an alcoholic?
(a) She lost her job.
(b) She is raped.
(c) Her husband left her.
(d) She crashed her car.

12. What do Julian and Knapp do together as they get to know each other?
(a) Take long hikes.
(b) Drink together.
(c) Go to AA meetings.
(d) Read in bed.

13. How does Knapp justify her drinking?
(a) She always gets home safely.
(b) She can always tell what time it is.
(c) She always feels fine.
(d) She always knows how many drinks she's had.

14. How does Julian treat Knapp after they move in together?
(a) He lists her flaws.
(b) He abuses her.
(c) He adores everything about her.
(d) He straightens her out.

15. How much does Michael drink?
(a) Not at all.
(b) A lot.
(c) Casually.
(d) Not much.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Knapp's father confess to her while he is dying?

2. What frightens Knapp at rehab?

3. What does Julian ask Knapp to change?

4. What does Knapp learn at AA?

5. What does the brain do in response to this chemical being released?

(see the answer keys)

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