Drinking: A Love Story Test | Final Test - Easy

Caroline Knapp
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Drinking: A Love Story Test | Final Test - Easy

Caroline Knapp
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is difficult for Knapp about being out of rehab?
(a) Staying out of old hangouts.
(b) Filling her time.
(c) Seeing things--and herself--clearly.
(d) Avoiding old friends.

2. What chemical does the brain release under the influence of alcohol?
(a) Dopamine.
(b) Epinephrine.
(c) Pseudoephedrine.
(d) Seratonin.

3. How does Tess' story begin?
(a) She was drinking with her family.
(b) She was kidnapped.
(c) She was drinking in Boston.
(d) She was out drinking with her boyfriend.

4. How does Knapp think Julian saw her?
(a) As a competent career woman.
(b) As a failure in everything but drinking.
(c) As a desperate, fragile creature.
(d) As a funny and sophisticated woman.

5. What potential consequences do the test results confront Knapp with?
(a) Losing her teeth.
(b) Liver damage, infertility and cancer.
(c) Failing out of school
(d) Lung cancer and emphysema.

6. How does Knapp describe Janet?
(a) Twenty-two years old and overweight.
(b) Forty-seven years old and homely.
(c) Thirty-seven years old, tall and beautiful.
(d) Seventeen years old and perpetually insecure.

7. How did Knapp's alcoholism relate to her bulimia and anorexia?
(a) It became a substition.
(b) It took the edge off.
(c) It became a trigger.
(d) They all combined to feed a compulsive need for love.

8. What motivates Knapp to stay sober?
(a) Her desire to keep Michael in her life.
(b) Her promise to her sister.
(c) Her desire to know what it is to be alive.
(d) Her shame about her behavior.

9. What feelings motivate Knapp's drinking now that she starts seeing Michael?
(a) Guilt over seeing Michael and Julian.
(b) Anxiety that Michael will see the same things Julian saw.
(c) Happiness and freedom.
(d) Longing for Michael's embraces.

10. How does Knapp feel as she loses weight?
(a) She feels safe from men's desire.
(b) She feels superior to heavier women.
(c) She feels more insecure than ever.
(d) She feels invisible to everyone.

11. What does Knapp's father confess to her while he is dying?
(a) He was homosexual.
(b) He was continuing an affair he had promised to quit.
(c) He was deeply in debt.
(d) He had been an alcoholic for years.

12. What does Knapp do in addition to ceasing to eat?
(a) She studies harder than ever.
(b) She begins to use cocaine.
(c) She works out compulsively.
(d) She calls everyone she knows and yells at them.

13. How long after the move does Knapp see her therapist?
(a) A few months.
(b) A month.
(c) A few weeks.
(d) The next day.

14. What does Knapp think of the people she meets at the AA meeting?
(a) She does not identify with 'those people.'
(b) She sees herself in each of them.
(c) She distinguishes between drinkers and drunks.
(d) She is embarrassed for them.

15. How did Knapp spend her last night before rehab?
(a) Drinking a little with Julian.
(b) Passed out in Michael's room.
(c) Drinking at home alone.
(d) With her sister.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Julian and Knapp do together as they get to know each other?

2. How does Knapp say alcohol is seen in some circles?

3. What does Knapp remember of her father's last months?

4. What does Knapp do when she goes to her first AA meeting?

5. What do members of AA offer each other?

(see the answer keys)

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