Dragonwyck Test | Final Test - Easy

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dragonwyck Test | Final Test - Easy

Anya Seton
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Peggy when she begins to feel uneasy with staying at Dragonwyck?
(a) Miranda's room.
(b) The tower room.
(c) The ballroom.
(d) The Red Room.

2. What do Peggy and Miranda plan while Nicholas is away from Dragonwyck for a few days?
(a) Peggy's wedding.
(b) A dinner with Jeff.
(c) A return party for Nicholas.
(d) Miranda's birthday party.

3. How does Miranda describe Nicholas's actions?
(a) Unpredictable.
(b) Unconscious.
(c) Volatile.
(d) Deliberate.

4. Why is Jeff brought to Dragonwyck?
(a) Miranda is in labor.
(b) Miranda wants to see him.
(c) A servant is hurt.
(d) The baby is sick.

5. What does Miranda think about her wedding day?
(a) It is incredibly rushed.
(b) It is just what she hopes for.
(c) It feels like a dream.
(d) It is not like she imagines.

6. What does Miranda injure when she comes home from the PT Barnum show?
(a) Her wrist.
(b) He clavical.
(c) Her ankle.
(d) Her toe.

7. Which of the following does Nicholas NOT do as a mentor to Miranda?
(a) Supervises her reading.
(b) Buys her a new wardrobe.
(c) Take her to cultural events.
(d) Hire a tutor for her.

8. What does Miranda know instinctively when she wakes up after the boat injury?
(a) Nicholas is dead.
(b) Jeff is near.
(c) She dies.
(d) She loses the baby.

9. Who is invited to the house for St. Nicholas's Day?
(a) All the family in the area.
(b) The tenant farmers.
(c) Government officials.
(d) The tenant farmer children.

10. What happens at Dragonwyck for a year after the death of the baby?
(a) A constant stream of parties.
(b) A mourning period for the boy.
(c) A general shunning of the Van Ryns.
(d) Some rallies against the tenant farmers.

11. What does Miranda find in the attic while Nicholas is gone?
(a) Her baby's cradle.
(b) A wedding picture of Johanna.
(c) Johanna's diary.
(d) An opium pipe.

12. What does Nicholas talk about as they drive away from their wedding?
(a) Her beauty.
(b) His feelings for her.
(c) Their future.
(d) His travels.

13. What happens to Miranda just before St. Nicholas's Day?
(a) She gets frequent headaches.
(b) She goes into labor.
(c) The baby moves.
(d) She begins to bleed.

14. What does Nicholas rescue from a cliff?
(a) A dog.
(b) A child.
(c) A purse.
(d) An old man.

15. What is Miranda's favorite part of the hotel in the Pine Orchards?
(a) The luxurious accommodations.
(b) The view.
(c) The food.
(d) The people.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Miranda's baby die from?

2. What is the name of the woman Jeff plans to propose to?

3. What is Poe's wife's name?

4. Who does Miranda write to while she is weak with pregnancy?

5. Who does Miranda ask to come and live with her when she is pregnant?

(see the answer keys)

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