Dragonfly in Amber Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Diana Gabaldon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dragonfly in Amber Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Diana Gabaldon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Running into the kitchen babbling that he has failed Jamie, what does Fergus demand?
(a) To be turned to the streets.
(b) To not be fed for two days.
(c) To be punished.
(d) To be released from his duties.

2. What happens when the Comte drinks a cup of dragon's blood?
(a) He concludes he's immortal.
(b) He gains strength.
(c) He spits it out.
(d) He collapses to the floor.

3. After Jamie attends the king's lever, what does he tell Claire?
(a) He wishes she had joined him at the king's lever.
(b) The servants got the king out of bed, shaved him, and washed him.
(c) Details of the conversation he had with the king.
(d) The king is old, feeble, and senile.

4. After Jamie left the tavern with Glengarry and Millefleurs , where did they go?
(a) To other taverns.
(b) To the waterfront.
(c) To the hospital.
(d) To Glengarry's house.

5. Depressed over the loss of her baby, Jamie's imprisonment, and Fergus being abused by Randall, Claire:
(a) Refuses to eat.
(b) Threatens to kill herself.
(c) Sleeps all day and night.
(d) Refuses to talk to anyone.

Short Answer Questions

1. Jamie tells Claire about the sword duel he was in when he was eighteen over a young lady named Annalise. What was the outcome of the duel?

2. Who is in charge of L'Hopital des Anges?

3. Claire explains that she and Frank had visited the standing stones where they witnessed a ritual performed by whom?

4. After spending the night together at Louis', what do Claire and Jamie do?

5. When Fergus rides a wild horse, what does Jamie do?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Claire troubled by a memory she suddenly has in which Mary is about to marry Jonathan Randall in the year 1745?

2. What's the real reason Monsieur Forez describes in great, gory detail how he is to hang, draw, and quarter a traitor?

3. Claire wears her new red dress to the grand ball hosted by the king. Describe the exchange between her and Jamie about her outfit.

4. In Chapter 5, Claire begins to explain to Roger and Brianna something very important about her past. What is she trying to tell them?

5. Explain what Jamie goes through when he gives Fergus ten lashes.

6. In Chapter 17, Jamie is spending more time with Charles, to the point where he comes home extremely late -- or not at all. How does Claire feel about this?

7. How does Claire feel about Louise trying to abort her unborn baby?

8. After she is raped, how is Mary cared for by Claire?

9. When Claire runs into the Reverend Walter Laurent of Geneva, what does he share with her about Raymond?

10. When Jamie and the other men are taken to jail to sort out what happened to Mary, Fergus guards Claire in his absence. What does Claire learn about Fergus during this time?

(see the answer keys)

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