Down and Out in Paris and London Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Down and Out in Paris and London Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 100 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of street meeting does the narrator see in this chapter?
(a) A Mormon meeting
(b) A Jehova Witness meeting
(c) A fascist meeting
(d) A communist meeting

2. What does a tramp tell the narrator about in this chapter?
(a) His upbringing
(b) Love
(c) The spike
(d) Women

3. What of the following is work Bozo and his friends don't do?
(a) Take photographs
(b) Street acrobatics
(c) Sell matches
(d) Transcribe

4. On the what do the tramps sleep?
(a) An armchair
(b) The floor
(c) A bed
(d) A mattress

5. To what does the narrator refuse to subscribe?
(a) The Times newspaper
(b) Oxfam
(c) The salvation army
(d) The big issue magazine

6. For what is Paddy put in prison?
(a) Murder
(b) Begging
(c) Stealing
(d) Prostitution

7. What is a chanter?
(a) A street singer
(b) A pretty girl
(c) A preacher
(d) A public speaker

8. What countries slang and swear words does the author discuss?
(a) France
(b) Holland
(c) Britain
(d) Russia

9. What is the name of the narrator's new friend?
(a) Sergei
(b) Seamus
(c) John
(d) Paddy

10. What do the deputy and his wife make at any time of the day?
(a) Noise
(b) Coffee
(c) Breakfast
(d) Tea

11. What kind of status does the narrator say that tramps need to attain?
(a) Human status
(b) Working status
(c) Pauper status
(d) Wealthy status

12. What does Bozo consider to be a free show?
(a) His art work
(b) The stars
(c) Church services
(d) Funerals

13. Why does Paddy want to bury his money?
(a) To see if it will grow
(b) To avoid prison
(c) To save it
(d) To stop it from getting stolen

14. What does the former Eton man do during the night and while he's asleep?
(a) Walks
(b) Wets the bed
(c) Punches the wall
(d) Talks

15. What does the narrator list in this chapter?
(a) Difficult to prounce words
(b) Things he needs to do
(c) Swear words
(d) Slang words

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the narrator say would make people like begging more?

2. What causes swear words to lose their original meaning?

3. When can Boo not work?

4. Which item of clothing does the narrator not pawn?

5. What is likely to happen to Paddy's money if he takes it into the spike?

(see the answer keys)

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