Don Quixote Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Don Quixote Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On their next adventure, where do Don Quixote and Sancho Panza head first?
(a) To Constantinople to start a crusade
(b) To the mountains for some training
(c) Back to the inn that Quixote thinks is a castle
(d) To El Toboso to get the blessing of the Lady Dulcinea

2. What does the canon think about drama of his day?
(a) Plays are a reflection of real life and teach valuable morals.
(b) Plays are educational to those who cannot read books.
(c) The plays that are staged nowadays are mirrors of absurdity, patterns of folly, and images of lewdness.
(d) The plays staged at his time are worthy of high praise.

3. What happens to Sancho Panza when he drinks Don Quixote's balm of wine, oil, salt and rosemary?
(a) He becomes deathly ill and cannot expel the substance.
(b) He starts braying like his mule.
(c) He spits it out because it tastes so disgusting.
(d) He is transformed into a knight errant.

4. What constantly overcomes Sancho Panza's skepticism about Don Quixote?
(a) The promise of an island to rule
(b) Sancho begins to see castles too.
(c) The real things Don Quixote does.
(d) Quixote's balm which can cure anything

5. What does the imagery of the Golden Age represent to Don Quixote?
(a) A simpler, more peaceful time in the age of chivalry.
(b) The times when uses of metal were discovered.
(c) A time when there was money for everyone.
(d) The days when literature was at its peak.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Don Quixote sets out again on adventures, who does he take with him?

2. Why does Lothario think Camilla is being unvirtuous?

3. What is the canon's opinion of the chivalric tales?

4. What imaginative tale does Dorothea tell Don Quixote?

5. After the beating by the carriers, what does Sancho request that Don Quixote cannot supply?

Short Essay Questions

1. Discuss Marcela's defense of herself at the funeral of Chrisostom.

2. Tell the story of how Don Quixote becomes entangled with the criminal, Gines de Pasamonte.

3. How does Don Quixote contrast the life of a soldier and that of a scholar?

4. What is Sancho's comic rationale for believing Don Quixote is not in an enchanted cage at all?

5. Discuss how Don Quixote always explains away any adverse events or circumstances.

6. When Don Quixote sees a girl Sancho says is Dulcinea, what are the circumstances?

7. Summarize Don Quixote's idea of the Golden Age.

8. Relate how Sancho Panza prevents Don Quixote from charging toward a loud noise in the dark of night.

9. What is the story of the Princess Micomicona, of the land of Micomicon?

10. What happens when the Don and Sancho meet an acting troupe still in costume?

(see the answer keys)

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