Don Quixote Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Don Quixote Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After the feast at Camacho's house, where does Don Quixote want to go?
(a) The cathedral at Madrid
(b) Back to La Mancha
(c) The enchanted castle
(d) The cave of Montesinos

2. Why do so many people in Barcelona know Don Quixote's name?
(a) Sancho goes ahead and tells everyone who is coming.
(b) People there have read the Benengeli history.
(c) Don Antonio has pinned his name across his back.
(d) Barcelona people are friendlier than others.

3. Finally, Don Quixote and Sancho Panza are invited to a real castle. Who invites them?
(a) A prince of the realm
(b) Camila de Camacho
(c) Dona Rodrigquez de Grijalba
(d) A real Duke and Duchess

4. Who is the unexpected pleasure for Don Quixote in Don Diego's house?
(a) Don Diego's personal chef
(b) Don Diego's young wife
(c) Don Lorenzo, Don Diego's poet son
(d) Don Diego's beautiful daughter

5. What one last joke is played on Don Quixote and Sancho before they leave the castle?
(a) They tie the tails of Dapple and Roxinante together.
(b) They put ants in Don Quixote's armor.
(c) Altisidora accuses Quixote of stealing her garters.
(d) They put the Duchess' handkerchief in Sancho's pants pocket.

6. How is Don Quixote wounded back in the Duke's and Duchess' castle?
(a) By a spurned young girl
(b) By cats with bells tied to them
(c) By sparring with the Duke
(d) By falling down the stairs

7. Where are Quixote and Sancho taken by the ten horsemen?
(a) To the inn that Quixote thinks is a castle
(b) Back to the castle of the Duke and Duchess
(c) To La Mancha
(d) To the galleys

8. Who arrives next to see the famous Don Quixote?
(a) Sir Lancelot of the Round Table
(b) The Duke of Earl
(c) Queen Guenevere
(d) Countess Trifaldi, also called the Doleful Duenna

9. Why does Tosilos reveal himself at the duel?
(a) He decides he can see better without a helmet.
(b) He doesn't want to harm an old man.
(c) He gets scared and thinks revealing himself will stop Don Quixote.
(d) He suddenly desires to marry the Duenna's daughter.

10. What means of travel does the Duenna say the giant Malambruno will send for them to go to him?
(a) A large blue bull
(b) A giant wooden, flying horse
(c) A caravan of white elephant
(d) A flying carpet

11. Who tries early in this second part to get Don Quixote to go home?
(a) The Knight of the Wood and the penitents.
(b) The villagers of La Mancha.
(c) The curate, the barber and the bachelor, Sampson.
(d) The niece, the housekeeper, and Teresa Panza.

12. What does Sancho finally have the courage to tell Don Quixote?
(a) That he will not suffer any more abuse.
(b) That he lied about seeing Dulcinea.
(c) That he is leaving him and returning to his isle.
(d) That he is a fool who believes he is a knight.

13. What happens when Sancho Panza brays for the town that brays?
(a) They think he is mocking them and they stone Sancho and Don Quixote.
(b) They make Sancho their mayor.
(c) They tell Sancho that he has a lot to learn about braying.
(d) They give Sancho the braying trophy.

14. Who challenges Don Quixote and defeats him?
(a) The captain of the guard
(b) The Knight of the Mirrors
(c) The giant of Algiers
(d) The Knight of the White Moon

15. When the wooden horse arrives, why are Quixote and Sancho blindfolded?
(a) They cannot see where the giant's hideout is.
(b) They might get airsick if they could see and look down.
(c) They have to get their eyes ready to see the giant in his dark castle.
(d) They are told they must do that for the horse to fly.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Sancho get into an argument with about waiting women?

2. Why is Don Antonio not pleased with the arrangement of Don Quixote going home?

3. What is the discussion about between Don Diego and Don Quixote?

4. While staying at the castle of the Duke and Duchess, what does Sancho do every time he gets frightened?

5. How does Cervantes work yet another side plot into his story at the point of boarding the ships?

(see the answer keys)

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