Don Quixote Test | Final Test - Easy

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Don Quixote Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 179 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Don Quixote want Sancho to do before he leaves to become a governor?
(a) Learn how to dress properly
(b) Learn to write and read a little
(c) Learn to speak without using proverbs
(d) Send a letter to La Mancha so Teresa will know where he is.

2. What means of travel does the Duenna say the giant Malambruno will send for them to go to him?
(a) A large blue bull
(b) A caravan of white elephant
(c) A giant wooden, flying horse
(d) A flying carpet

3. On their way back to La Mancha, who do Don Quixote and Sancho run across?
(a) The barber and the curate who have come looking for him.
(b) The troupe of actors they had met earlier and fought with.
(c) Don Quixote's niece who is on her way to Barcelona.
(d) Tosilos, who reveals that he was not enchanted at the duel and also that he didn't follow through with the marriage anyway

4. What is the surprise plot twist as Don Quixote lays on his deathbed?
(a) He receives a visit from an angel.
(b) It is revealed that Don Quixote is dying from a broken heart.
(c) He renounces his knight errantry as madness.
(d) He writes a will that leaves Sancho Panza out.

5. Where are Quixote and Sancho taken by the ten horsemen?
(a) Back to the castle of the Duke and Duchess
(b) To La Mancha
(c) To the galleys
(d) To the inn that Quixote thinks is a castle

6. What are the omens Don Quixote perceives as meanings he will never meet Dulcinea?
(a) The words of a boy and a hare under Dapple
(b) Dark clouds and spotted goats
(c) A box full of crickets and a black cat
(d) A falling star and a blood red moon

7. How does Cervantes work yet another side plot into his story at the point of boarding the ships?
(a) He te;;s about drunken Turks who abduct a beautiful Christian woman.
(b) He writes about a woman who dresses as a man to find her lover.
(c) He tells the tale of a Christian woman who is captain of a pirate ship.
(d) He tells about a love affair that goes terribly wrong.

8. What do Don Quixote and the Duke do that involves the Duenna?
(a) They plan to repay her for all the tricks she has played on Quixote.
(b) They accept the challenge to help her daughter.
(c) They decide to play a good trick on her.
(d) They write unsigned love letters to her.

9. What causes Sancho to resign his post and leave his isle?
(a) His desire to ride Dapple again
(b) His homesickness
(c) His needing to see Don Quixote
(d) A trick some men play on him and call him a turtle

10. When everyone else leaves the table, where does Sancho go?
(a) To the moat to take a swim
(b) To the stable to check on Dapple
(c) To hold a conversation with the Duchess
(d) With the servants to play games

11. Because Quixote is so despondent, what does Sancho agree to do for money?
(a) He will trade Dapple for Dulcinea.
(b) He will find the person who enchanted Dulcinea.
(c) He will beat himself for a set amount per lash.
(d) He will go and bring Dulcinea to Quixote.

12. On their trip away from the castle, what misfortune happens to Quixote and Sancho?
(a) They stop to eat and their mounts are stolen.
(b) They battle a bull Don Quixote thinks is a dragon.
(c) They get lost and end up back at the castle.
(d) They get entangled in bird nets.

13. Why do Don Quixote and Sancho believe the outlandish tale?
(a) Because they believe any tale that involves a damsel in distress.
(b) Because the Duke and duchess appear to believe it.
(c) Because Malambruno is supposed to be a clever enchanter.
(d) Because they have been drugged during dinner.

14. What is the dilemma of the steward?
(a) He is supposed to destroy Sancho but he sees the good Sancho is doing.
(b) He thinks Sancho is crazy and he can get rich by using him.
(c) He likes Sancho and does not want to go back to the castle.
(d) He is supposed to help Sancho but he wants to be the governor himself.

15. Who are the two gentlemen Quixote and Sancho meet in the inn?
(a) Don Leandro and Don Camacho.
(b) Don Juan and Don Carlos.
(c) Don Luis and Don Cardenio.
(d) Don Jeronimo and Don Juan.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the literary significance of the pit Sancho and Dapple fall into?

2. What humiliation awaits Don Quixote at the castle?

3. Back in the castle what happens with Quixote and Dona Rodriguez?

4. Why is Don Antonio not pleased with the arrangement of Don Quixote going home?

5. What arrangements had the Duke made regarding the duel?

(see the answer keys)

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