Don Quixote Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Don Quixote Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What literary device is introduced in Chapter nine that helps move the story along and give it credence?
(a) A parallel is drawn between Don Quixote and King Arthur.
(b) Lengthy poetic renditions are added to give the story more authenticity.
(c) A narrator is introduced who discovers an old manuscript about Don Quixote.
(d) A sage is found to travel with Don Quixote and write down his adventures.

2. Why does Sancho Panza continue to insist that Don Quixote is not enchanted?
(a) Because Don Quixote complains of hunger.
(b) Because Quixote needs to relieve himself.
(c) Because he heard the demons talking about stopping to eat.
(d) Because Quixote understands that he is in a cage.

3. What is Sancho's plan to deceive Don Quixote about the Lady Dulcinea?
(a) He tells Quixote that the Lady Dulcinea has left the village and gone to the inn to look for him.
(b) He tells Quixote that Dulcinea has been enchanted and will only be seen as a peasant girl.
(c) He says that the Lady Dulcinea's father has locked her away in a tower somewhere in the north.
(d) He says that the Lady Dulcinea is currently in a convent preparing for her marriage to Quixote.

4. What does Don Quixote imagine to be the legendary helmet of Mambrino?
(a) A tea kettle
(b) A brass barber's bowl
(c) A gravy boat
(d) A mop bucket

5. What do the curate and the barber try to avoid when they go to visit Quixote at home?
(a) Talking about knight errantry
(b) Reminding Quixote about his knightly obligations
(c) Talking about Sancho Panza
(d) Asking about Dulcinea

6. As Don Quixote and Sancho Panza look for water in the night, what spooks them?
(a) A drum beating in the distance
(b) A metallic clanking and the sound of running water
(c) The sound of many horses
(d) A ghostly moan over the sound of water

7. In yet another coincidence, what happens when a learned judge arrives at the inn with his beautiful daughter?
(a) The judge is looking for some escaped criminals.
(b) The Captive Captain recognizes the judge as his brother.
(c) The judge has come to take Don Quixote back to La Mancha.
(d) The girl turns out to be Zoraida's long lost sister.

8. What kind of reception does Don Quixote receive from the goatherds?
(a) He is welcomed, fed, entertained and medicated.
(b) The goarherds laugh at him and send him away.
(c) The goatherds fear him because he is mad.
(d) He is set upon to see if he has money.

9. What does the innkeeper use as a holy book of heraldry in the knighthood ceremony?
(a) A catalogue
(b) A Bible
(c) An old book of chivalry
(d) His ledger book

10. How do the curate and the barber plan to get Quixote to return with them to La Mancha?
(a) They send a false message saying Dulcinea bids Quixote to come to her immediately.
(b) They plan to tie him up in his sleep.
(c) They make him believe that the giants have invaded La Mancha.
(d) They change all the road signs along the way.

11. Who judges the basin to be a helmet, though incomplete?
(a) The innkeeper
(b) The barber from La Mancha
(c) Dorothea
(d) The curate

12. How does Quixote blend knight errantry and sainthood?
(a) He says knight errantry is a religion.
(b) He says every true knight dies with the name of God on his lips.
(c) He says knights must also be saintly in behavior.
(d) He says knights are appointed by God.

13. How does Cervantes poke fun at his own mistakes in writing the first part of The Adventures of Don Quixote?
(a) He raises the question of the disappearing ass, Dapple, and its unexplained reappearance.
(b) He talks about how the characters in his book are unbelievable.
(c) He discusses the absurdity of a man like Don Quixote.
(d) He discusses putting in so many unrelated stories in the book.

14. What does the canon think about drama of his day?
(a) The plays staged at his time are worthy of high praise.
(b) The plays that are staged nowadays are mirrors of absurdity, patterns of folly, and images of lewdness.
(c) Plays are educational to those who cannot read books.
(d) Plays are a reflection of real life and teach valuable morals.

15. How does Don Quixote get around paying a monthly wage to Sancho Panza?
(a) He fires him and starts looking for a replacement.
(b) He pays him with enchanted money that Sancho cannot see.
(c) He turns it around and gets Sancho to pay him a monthly wage.
(d) He says he never read anything like that in his books about knight errantry.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the gist of the goatherd's tale?

2. When Don Quixote sets out again on adventures, who does he take with him?

3. What does the imagery of the Golden Age represent to Don Quixote?

4. What is the story within the story that is found at the inn?

5. In the night, Don Quixote attacks what Sancho fears to be twenty or more ghosts. Why is he victorious?

(see the answer keys)

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