Dogeaters Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Dogeaters Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At the end of Scene 6, what does Lolita ask Alacran to procure for her?
(a) A gun.
(b) A print of a Hollywood film.
(c) Skin whitener.
(d) Papers.

2. How long does Imelda Marcos give Bob stone for their Scene 10 interview?
(a) 2 minutes.
(b) 30 minutes.
(c) One hour.
(d) 10 minutes.

3. In Scene 8, what does Ledesma reveal he knows about Daisy?
(a) She is a progressive.
(b) She is pregnant.
(c) She was planning to leave Manila.
(d) She is bribed the Miss Philippines judges.

4. Why does Ledesma rebuke Carreon in Scene 8?
(a) Carreon uses foul language.
(b) Carreon threatens Daisy.
(c) Carreon unties Daisy.
(d) Carreon falls asleep.

5. What does General Ledesma interrogate Daisy about in Scene 8?
(a) A planned terorist strike.
(b) Her father.
(c) The unions.
(d) The NPA.

6. What special room in Alacran's room does Scene 6 take place in?
(a) A screen room.
(b) A bowling room.
(c) A humidor.
(d) A greenhouse.

7. Who tells Rio of the assassination in Scene 1?
(a) Freddy.
(b) Pucha.
(c) Boomboom.
(d) Lola.

8. In Scene 16, who does Senator Avila say Daisy is like?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Imelda Marcos.
(c) The Virgin Mary.
(d) Himself.

9. Who does Joey first tell about witnessing the assassination?
(a) Chiquiting.
(b) Daisy.
(c) Perlita.
(d) Uncle.

10. Who is the only witness to Avila's murder in Scene 17?
(a) Joey.
(b) Daisy.
(c) Fassbinder.
(d) Trini.

11. What does Imelda say about her childhood in Scene 10?
(a) She grew up in France.
(b) She was regal from a young age.
(c) She cannot remember her childhood.
(d) She came from meek beginnings.

12. What is the name of the camp in which Daisy is held captive?
(a) Redding.
(b) Simplicity.
(c) Meditation.
(d) Correspondence.

13. What does the ghost of Senator Avila first ask of Daisy in Scene 9?
(a) A grandchild.
(b) Dinner.
(c) Assurance she will not die.
(d) A hug.

14. What does Avila say he is at the end of Scene 16?
(a) In love.
(b) Tired.
(c) Terrified.
(d) Resolute.

15. What is Rio doing at the beginning of Scene 1?
(a) Reading the newspaper.
(b) Getting high.
(c) Writing in her journal.
(d) Tending a garden.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who shoots Senator Avila?

2. What disingenuous comment does Fassbinder make to Joey at the beginning of Scene 17?

3. What are Joey and Fassbinder doing at the beginning of Scene 17?

4. How is Fassbinder distracted when Joey steals his bag in Scene 17?

5. Why is Daisy Avila ill in Scene 16?

(see the answer keys)

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