Disgraced Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ayad Akhtar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Disgraced Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ayad Akhtar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. By what name does Amir call Abe?
(a) Abdullah.
(b) Hussein.
(c) Tariq.
(d) Usama.

2. What is Amir nervous about, in terms of joining his law firm as partner?
(a) The partners are mostly Jewish.
(b) The partners have much more experience than he does.
(c) He came from a much more prestigious background than most of the other partners.
(d) The partners came from much more prestigious law firms than he did.

3. What does Emily think of the imam’s position and tone?
(a) She thinks he is making things worse by trying to be conciliatory.
(b) She thinks he is admitting his guilt to be so subdued.
(c) She thinks he is justified to be defiant.
(d) She thinks he is asking for trouble, to be angry.

4. What is Amir concerned about, in the depiction of his testimony in support of Imam Fareed?
(a) That he looks like counsel for the defense.
(b) That he will be mistaken for a terrorist.
(c) That he was not quoted accurately.
(d) That the FBI will think he is a conspirator.

5. How does Abe dismiss Amir’s feelings about Islam as a religion?
(a) He says it is typical self-loathing.
(b) He says it is just a phase.
(c) He says he does not believe him.
(d) He says he does not really hate it.

6. What are the aspects of Islam that Emily sees value in?
(a) Laws and regulations.
(b) Philosophy and mysticism.
(c) Tradition and heritage.
(d) Beauty and wisdom.

7. In Scene One, what is Amir nervous Paolo will do?
(a) Disgrace him.
(b) Kill a deal.
(c) Lose money for his business.
(d) Cost him money.

8. What city is Disgraced set in?
(a) New York.
(b) London.
(c) San Francisco.
(d) Bombay.

9. Where did Amir start his law career?
(a) Corporate finance law.
(b) Criminal prosecutor.
(c) Environmental activist.
(d) Public defender.

10. How old is Isaac?
(a) 45.
(b) 55.
(c) 50.
(d) 40.

11. How old is Emily?
(a) Late 20s.
(b) Late 30s.
(c) Early 30s.
(d) Early 40s.

12. Which western artist does Emily point to as someone whose work was influenced by Islamic art?
(a) Cezanne.
(b) Picasso.
(c) Klimt.
(d) Matisse.

13. What year is the beginning of the play set in?
(a) 2001.
(b) 2016.
(c) 2011.
(d) 2018.

14. How does Amir characterize the subject of the painting Emily is basing her painting on?
(a) A wealthy man.
(b) A servant.
(c) A slave-owner.
(d) A slave.

15. Why does it bother Abe to be called by the name Amir insists on calling him?
(a) Abe wants to be more Americanized.
(b) Abe does not want Emily to know he had changed his name.
(c) Abe does not want to be reminded of his family back home.
(d) Abe wants to honor his father with his new name.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Abe want Amir to help Imam Fareed?

2. What does Amir say his relationship with Mort is like?

3. In Scene Two, why is Amir irritated with Emily when Isaac comes in?

4. How do Amir and Emily know that Isaac has arrived?

5. Why does Abe ask whether he should come back, when he arrives at Amir and Emily’s apartment?

(see the answer keys)

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