Difficult Loves Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Difficult Loves Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. "The Adventure of a Clerk," what does Enrico want to talk about but can't?
(a) His wife's pregnancy.
(b) His weird dreams.
(c) His wonderful night.
(d) His stomach flu.

2. In "The Adventure of a Poet", who is the poet?
(a) No one.
(b) Amilcare.
(c) Delia.
(d) Usnelli.

3. In "The Adventure of a Bather", what does Isotta lose?
(a) Her bikini top.
(b) Her towel.
(c) Her bikini bottom.
(d) Her goggles.

4. In "The Adventure of a Traveler", where does Cinzia live?
(a) Venice.
(b) Paris.
(c) New York City.
(d) Rome.

5. In "Desire in November", what does Linda do for Barbagallo?
(a) Gives him a bath.
(b) Cook a meal for him.
(c) Wash his underwear.
(d) Finds a bed for him.

6. In "The Adventure of a Soldier", where does the story take place?
(a) On a train.
(b) In a hotel.
(c) On a boat.
(d) On a bus.

7. In "Transit Bed", what is Seddu's profession?
(a) Priest.
(b) Police officer.
(c) Nun.
(d) Hotel owner.

8. In "Desire in November", where does the story take place?
(a) On an odd spring-like day in November.
(b) On a sunny morning in October.
(c) On a winter day in November.
(d) On a rainy day in April.

9. In "The Adventure of a Reader", what does Amedeo like to do other than read?
(a) Go out to eat.
(b) Fly planes.
(c) Sleep.
(d) Bike and swim.

10. In "Desire in November", what is the priest giving away?
(a) Flannel underwear.
(b) Uggs.
(c) Frozen turkeys.
(d) Wool socks.

11. In "The Adventure of a Reader", where does Amedeo like to read?
(a) On the bus.
(b) In his bedroom.
(c) The beach.
(d) His kitchen.

12. In "The Adventure of a Photographer", what does Antonio buy?
(a) A new easel.
(b) A potter's wheel.
(c) An old-fashioned camera.
(d) A new outfit.

13. In "Dollars and the Demimondaine", what is the relationship between Emanuele and Jolanda?
(a) Cousins.
(b) Brother and sister.
(c) Husband and wife.
(d) Pimp and prostitute.

14. In "Desire in November", what did Barbagallo get arrested for repeatedly?
(a) Stealing.
(b) Public nudity.
(c) Sexual harassment.
(d) Murder.

15. "The Adventure of a Clerk," who does Enrico talk to at work?
(a) His boss.
(b) His wife.
(c) His sister.
(d) His best friend.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "The Adventure of a Bather", where is Isotta found when she receives help?

2. In "The Adventure of a Poet", what does Delia like to do that Usnelli does not?

3. In "Desire in November", what is Linda's occupation?

4. In "Sleeping Like Dogs", how does Belmoretto rent out the object he himself has rented?

5. In "The Adventure of a Reader", why does the woman get mad at Amedeo?

(see the answer keys)

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