Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School Test | Final Test - Medium

Jeff Kinney
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Old School Test | Final Test - Medium

Jeff Kinney
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Frew say that his parents never let him play?
(a) Hockey.
(b) Basketball.
(c) Paint ball.
(d) Laser tag.

2. When did Billy get caught for stealing in Section 3?
(a) About 2 weeks ago.
(b) A month or so ago.
(c) 3 weeks ago.
(d) 5 weeks ago.

3. What do some people leave when Greg is waiting for Grandpa when the car breaks down in Section 3?
(a) Convenience food.
(b) Sports equipment.
(c) Trash.
(d) Books.

4. How many years has Mrs. Graziano been coming to Hardscrabble Farms?
(a) 12.
(b) 15.
(c) 17.
(d) 19.

5. Where does the tooth land that falls out of a camper's mouth during the trust building exercise in Section 4?
(a) Under a chair.
(b) The camper's hand.
(c) In a puddle.
(d) Rowley's forehead.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first activity that Greg and the other boys do after unpacking at their cabins at Hardscrabble Farms?

2. What time does Mr. Jefferson wake everyone up on the second day at Hardscrabble Farms?

3. How many letters does Greg received from home on Wednesday at Hardscrabble Farms?

4. What is the first job that Greg's group does on the second day they are at Hardscrabble Farms?

5. Who gets sent home after being found by a stick of half-eaten deodorant on Thursday at Hardscrabble Farms?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Billy say that he stole from a convenience store in Section 3?

2. What happens when Grandpa drives Greg to the hardware store?

3. What does Mrs. Graziano say about chores on Tuesday at Hardscrabble Farms?

4. Supposedly, who is Silas Scratch?

5. Why is Greg worried about the food situation on the field trip, and what does he do about it?

6. Why do Greg and the others scrape their lunch leftovers into a giant pot after their first lunch at Hardscrabble Farms?

7. What does Greg do when he drops a toothpaste cap in the sink in Section 3?

8. Why does Mr. Jefferson make Greg's group go to bed early on Monday?

9. Why does everyone but Greg have big bags that they have brought with them?

10. How does Greg's mom track him down in Section 3 when he runs away with Frew and Billy?

(see the answer keys)

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