Dhalgren Test | Final Test - Easy

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Dhalgren Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is June looking for her brother Edward at the scorpions nest?
(a) She would like to show her poems to Kidd.
(b) She wants to speak with Kidd.
(c) She wants Edward to take her and her parents away from Bellona.
(d) She wants to become a scorpion.

2. What primarily makes up this chapter?
(a) Writings to an editor.
(b) Drawings.
(c) Journal entries and letters.
(d) Words in another language.

3. What does a man named Frank keep mentioning at the party?
(a) He has slept with Lanya.
(b) The fact that he has lost a spiral notebook full of poems.
(c) That Kidd looks familiar.
(d) He has had a relationship with Denny.

4. What prompts Kidd to want to write again?
(a) The scorpions inspire him to try.
(b) Tak thinks he should try one more time.
(c) A discussion between him and Milly concerning a fight.
(d) Lanya pushes him.

5. Why does Kidd still question whether or not he wrote the poems?
(a) Many of the poems were written before he even began living with the scorpions.
(b) Because other people still keep bringing it up.
(c) Kidd never liked writing.
(d) He thinks one of his alternate personalities wrote the poems.

6. Why haven't any of the residents of Bellona tried to make contact with the outside world?
(a) They lack the self purpose that would help them find a solution.
(b) They think the rest of the world has forgotten them.
(c) They have been under siege.
(d) They think others will come and ruin their town.

7. Why can't everyone get more information concerning the flash of light and smoky grey sky?
(a) They are fine with the answer the Captain gives them.
(b) Bellona is cut off from the rest of the world.
(c) They don't try.
(d) They don't really care what is going on in the outside world.

8. How does Kidd try to help out after the fires have been set?
(a) He looks around for people who got caught in the fire.
(b) He saves Lanya from a fire.
(c) He tries to put out all of the fires.
(d) He throws Harrison into one of the fires.

9. When Kidd finally decides to write again, what does he write?
(a) A comic book.
(b) A full book.
(c) Nothing. He has nothing to write.
(d) More poems.

10. Why does Lanya believe that Kidd wrote the poems?
(a) She goes to collect his poetry every week.
(b) He calls her every time he writes a poem.
(c) Denny watches him write the poems.
(d) She sees him write the poems.

11. Why is Denny's involvement in their relationship strange to Kidd now?
(a) He cannot see Lanya without seeing Denny.
(b) Every time Kidd and Lanya have sex, Denny is there too.
(c) Denny is not as mature as Kidd.
(d) Denny is now Lanya's boyfriend.

12. Why does Denny have to describe the new place in which he, Kidd and all the scorpions are living to Kidd?
(a) Kidd does not want to remember.
(b) Kidd wanders into the wrong house.
(c) Actually, Kidd remembers where he lives.
(d) Kidd can't remember being there.

13. Why doesn't Lanya like the scorpions' house?
(a) She is scared of the building where they live.
(b) It is too crowded.
(c) There are no women there.
(d) It a messy house.

14. Who finds Kidd wandering and invites him to stay at his house?
(a) Tak.
(b) Madame Brown.
(c) Lanya.
(d) Denny.

15. What does Kamp describe the moon being like?
(a) Bellona.
(b) New York City.
(c) California.
(d) San Antonio.

Short Answer Questions

1. Have Kidd's memory problems gone away?

2. In the excerpts of this chapter, Kidd seems to have what problem?

3. At the end of the section, what place do Kidd and the rest of the scorpions vandalize?

4. What happens to the poems Kidd writes while he lives with the scorpions?

5. What does Kidd begin to think?

(see the answer keys)

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