The Desperate Hours Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Joseph Hayes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Desperate Hours Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Joseph Hayes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. With what does Griffin gain Dan and Cindy's cooperation?
(a) The repeated statement that Eleanor will be killed if they do not cooperate.
(b) By tying up Ralphie.
(c) By saying he and the other men will rape and kill both women.
(d) By saying that he was unfairly charged.

2. What does Ralphie want to do?
(a) To watch t.v.
(b) To try to escape.
(c) To play with his nintendo.
(d) To call his best friend.

3. Why does Hank become melancholy?
(a) Because he will never have a girl like Cindy or live in a nice house like the Hilliards'.
(b) Because a pint of whiskey is barely enough to get high.
(c) Because his mother is very ill and Hank broke out to go see her.
(d) Because he has no chance of ever getting out of prison alive if he is recaptured.

4. Where do the men want to go?
(a) Boston.
(b) Mexico.
(c) Louisville.
(d) Baja.

5. How long does Griffin say he plans to stay at the house?
(a) A few days.
(b) Until midnight.
(c) An hour.
(d) As long as he needs to do so.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Cindy?

2. About what does Deputy Winston read a wire report?

3. What does Griffin send Dan out to do?

4. What does Dan offer the criminals?

5. Who is Ralphie?

Short Essay Questions

1. What raises tensions in the house?

2. How does Dan feel and what does he say about Cindy?

3. What does Robish taunt Griffin about?

4. Why doesn't Dan want Robish back in the house?

5. What does Dan convince the police to do?

6. What happens when Cindy arrives home after her date with Chuck?

7. What does Bard say about his encounter with Griffin in the past?

8. What gives the sheriff's office a clue about the convicts?

9. What is Eleanor doing with Dan?

10. What does Dan tell Ralphie and what does Ralphie and Griffin do after Eleanor and Chuck have left the house?

(see the answer keys)

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