Delta Force Test | Final Test - Medium

Charles Alvin Beckwith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Delta Force Test | Final Test - Medium

Charles Alvin Beckwith
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the training course for the Delta Force's Special Operations testing?
(a) Operators Field Course.
(b) Operators Course.
(c) Operators Test Course.
(d) Operators Task Force.

2. How do the soldiers respond when they learn that the drill was not real?
(a) They are confused.
(b) They begin laughing.
(c) They give no response.
(d) They are very upset.

3. How does the president react to the outcome of the rescue mission?
(a) He is confused.
(b) He is proud of the survivors.
(c) He is discouraged.
(d) He is uninformed about it.

4. What should generals not act like, according to Beckwith?
(a) Field soldiers.
(b) Battalion commanders.
(c) Majors.
(d) Captains.

5. What is the home of the Delta Force called?
(a) The Brigade.
(b) The Nexus Base.
(c) The Stockade.
(d) The Central Base.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is "buck fever", which is described as a possibility in Chapter 28?

2. Who informs Beckwith that it is his responsibility to meet the press and explain the mission?

3. How long does it take General Meyer to get clearance for Beckwith and the development of the counter terrorism organization at the end of the book?

4. What causes a command control problem for the Delta Forces in Chapter 25?

5. What does NCO stand for?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Beckwith describe the men of Delta Force in Chapter 24?

2. What test does Beckwith give the soldiers in Chapter 28, and how do they respond?

3. How does the president react to the cancellation of the mission?

4. What are the difficulties in gathering intelligence that Beckwith describes in Chapter 32?

5. What are the first signs of trouble for the rescue mission?

6. What is unique about the physical fitness training of the soldiers in Delta Force?

7. What are some of the elements to the tests given in Chapter 30?

8. Why does Beckwith test his soldiers as he does in Chapter 28?

9. What changes are made to the plan for fueling and refueling in Chapters 36 and 37?

10. How does Beckwith describe the vulnerability of the mission in Chapter 39?

(see the answer keys)

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