Delirium Test | Final Test - Easy

Lauren Oliver
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Delirium Test | Final Test - Easy

Lauren Oliver
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What wards are Alex and told to say in while in the Crypts?
(a) One through Ten.
(b) One through Five.
(c) One through Eight.
(d) One through Three.

2. Who is held in Ward Six of the Crypts?
(a) Political prisoners and dissenters.
(b) Terminally ill people.
(c) The Insane.
(d) Invalids.

3. When Lena begins to collapse on their way back into town after visiting the Crypts, where does Alex direct her to go so he can comfort her?
(a) In a parked car.
(b) Home.
(c) His house.
(d) The Alley.

4. What does Lena's mate offer her as a sign of friendship?
(a) A ring.
(b) A necklace.
(c) A kiss.
(d) A handshake.

5. What do Alex and Lena do at Alex's house in the Wilds?
(a) Have a picnic.
(b) Dance with music.
(c) Meet with Invalids.
(d) Read love poems.

6. What can be said about Hana and Lena's role in the book by the end of Chapter 24?
(a) They are still foils, but have switched places.
(b) Hana has become the main character.
(c) They have become more alike than ever.
(d) Hana will always be the more rebellious of the two girls.

7. What does Alex wear to the Crypts?
(a) All black and a security badge.
(b) Blue jeans and a security badge.
(c) Black cargo pants and a security badge.
(d) A security guard uniform.

8. Posing as a security guard, what does Alex tell other employees he's brought Lena to the Crypts for?
(a) She tried to escape to the Wilds, so he's going to beat her.
(b) She failed her evaluation, so he's going to scare her strait.
(c) She is a political dissenter, so he's going to scare her strait.
(d) She failed her evaluation, so he's going to imprison her.

9. How does Lena's aunt ask her to dress in Chapter 19?
(a) "Appropriately."
(b) Cover as much skin as possible.
(c) Wear a coat.
(d) Nice, with a bow in her hair.

10. Where is the bridge located that Lena and Alex need to cross in order to get into The Wilds?
(a) North of 37 Brooks Street.
(b) The northern-most tip of Back Cove.
(c) Northeast of 37 Brooks Street.
(d) The southern-most tip of Back Cove.

11. What does the new guard of Ward Six confirm to Alex about the former Ward Six guard?
(a) He was a sympathizer.
(b) He went missing.
(c) He escaped to the Wilds.
(d) He fell in love with a prisoner.

12. How old was Alex when he came to Portland?
(a) Five Years Old.
(b) Twelve Years Old.
(c) Fifteen Years Old.
(d) Ten years old.

13. How does Lena react when Alex says he loves her?
(a) She says she loves him to.
(b) She kisses him.
(c) She cries.
(d) She doesn't believe him.

14. When Lena sneaks out in Chapter 13, what color does she dress in?
(a) White.
(b) Dark blue.
(c) Red.
(d) Black.

15. What happens next door to Lena's house in Chapter 13 after dinner?
(a) The neighbors get into a fight.
(b) A gun goes off.
(c) A raid.
(d) A party.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Lena hurt at the party she is at in Chapter 14?

2. What kind of fence surrounds the city?

3. Where does Lena tell Alex to meet her after he makes a purchase at her store in Chapter 15?

4. What is Hana's response when Lena invites her to the Wilds?

5. What do Lena and Alex do the first time they are at 37 Brooks Street together?

(see the answer keys)

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