A Delicate Balance: A Play Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Delicate Balance: A Play Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Edna think she and Harry should have first rights to the bedroom?
(a) They are older.
(b) They don't have money for a hotel.
(c) They are Agnes and Tobias's best friends.
(d) They come at this time every year.

2. Why is Tobias perturbed with Julia?
(a) Her disloyalty
(b) Her ingratitude
(c) Her knack for picking the wrong men
(d) Her indiscrimate spending

3. Agnes tells Tobias that it was ___________ and nice to have him in her bed last night.
(a) odd
(b) familiar
(c) comfortable
(d) pleasant

4. When does Agnes prefer to deal with Julia's distress?
(a) After she has a drink
(b) Immediately
(c) Never
(d) Later

5. Which character appears amidst Julia's rantings?
(a) Doug
(b) Agnes
(c) Patrice
(d) Claire

6. With whom does Julia verbally tangle?
(a) Sylvia
(b) Claire
(c) Edna
(d) Tobias

7. Julia thinks about the dinner as ____________.
(a) a time for bonding
(b) survival
(c) a gourmet experience
(d) an uplifiting experience

8. Agnes is prepared to shout _____________________.
(a) out loud
(b) until she is hoarse
(c) her love for Julia
(d) over Julia's sulking

9. How long has Tobias been in the living room?
(a) Few hours
(b) All night
(c) All day
(d) A couple of minutes

10. How can Julia's mood be characterized this evening?
(a) Shy
(b) Petulant
(c) Jealous
(d) Sullen

11. Agnes is happy to be a _________________ if it will keep her family together.
(a) sap
(b) peacemaker
(c) Jewish mother
(d) drill sergeant

12. Tobias wonders about his ________________ for each person in his house.
(a) love
(b) responsibility
(c) commitment
(d) interest

13. Agnes believes that _____________ is to blame for Julia's behavior.
(a) Tobias
(b) Doug
(c) Julia
(d) Agnes

14. Who returns to the house to spend the night?
(a) Claire
(b) Harry and Edna
(c) Doug
(d) Patrice

15. What does Julia say she will do if Harry and Edna stay?
(a) Come back at a better time
(b) Go to a hotel
(c) Leave for good
(d) Redecorate the bedroom

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Tobias plead with for counseling on the situation?

2. According to Agnes, daylight brings sanity and ___________ once more.

3. Which character has the coolest demeanor in Act 2, Scene 2?

4. Where does Edna invite Agnes to go next week?

5. What role does Julia say Agnes and Tobias have taken on?

(see the answer keys)

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