A Delicate Balance: A Play Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Delicate Balance: A Play Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Agnes worry about more than she worries about going mad?
(a) Her sister-in-law, Claire
(b) Her best friend, Claire
(c) Her sister, Claire
(d) Her daughter, Claire

2. According to Claire, _____________ is preferable to loss of love.
(a) mental illness
(b) injury
(c) death
(d) illness

3. Tobias ignores Julia's ______________.
(a) cruelty
(b) streaked hair
(c) piercings
(d) tattoos

4. What does Tobias offer Claire when Agnes leaves the room?
(a) Drink
(b) Chair
(c) Joint
(d) Cigarette

5. Why do Agnes's actions upset Julia?
(a) She was not asked first.
(b) She knew she was coming home.
(c) She needs the money herself.
(d) She wanted to keep the photos.

6. Who perplexes Julia in Act 2, Scene 1?
(a) Sylvia
(b) Harry and Edna
(c) Patrice
(d) Doug

7. Who does Tobias attempt to defend all the time?
(a) Maddox
(b) Claire
(c) Sylvia
(d) Annie

8. Why have Edna and Harry come to Agnes and Tobias's house?
(a) They were frightened by something at home.
(b) They want to take a swim.
(c) They have a gift for them.
(d) They were just passing through the area.

9. Tobias tells Agnes that she _________________________.
(a) should lose a bit of weight.
(b) is the sanest person he knows.
(c) is his best friend.
(d) is tipping toward madness.

10. When does Agnes plan to speak to Julia?
(a) At the theater.
(b) Over cocktails.
(c) When they are alone.
(d) When Julia goes home.

11. To whom has Agnes given away the item in Act 2, Scene 1?
(a) Harry and Edna
(b) Sylvia
(c) Julia
(d) Tobias

12. Who overhears what Agnes has been saying about Claire?
(a) Claire
(b) Jane
(c) Julia
(d) Sylvia

13. Tobias could not force the cat to _________________.
(a) stay indoors
(b) love him
(c) use the litter box
(d) eat

14. What is Tobias's response to what Agnes says about "when it will begin"?
(a) He gets it after thinking about it for a few minutes.
(b) He grasps what she means instantly.
(c) He refuses to validate it.
(d) He doesn't understand what she means.

15. Surprisingly, Doug is even against whom?
(a) Sylvia
(b) Patrice
(c) Tobias
(d) Agnes

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is Agnes?

2. Who is questioning Agnes as Act 2, Scene 1 opens?

3. Agnes feels that going mad would be very _______________.

4. According to Agnes, it is ruined love and _____________________ that make her lash out at Claire.

5. What is Claire's affliction?

(see the answer keys)

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