Defending Jacob Test | Final Test - Easy

William Landay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Defending Jacob Test | Final Test - Easy

William Landay
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What action does Andy tell Jacob to stop doing during the trial?
(a) Staring at the jury.
(b) Picking at his finger skin.
(c) Scowling.
(d) Smiling.

2. After telling Andy never to come back to his home, David makes one last comment to Andy. What is it?
(a) He asks Andy to take care of himself.
(b) He wishes Andy luck.
(c) He tells Andy to rot in hell.
(d) He tells Andy to put Jacob through extreme questioning.

3. When Laurie refuses Andy's offer for medication the night before Jacob's trial starts, what does he do instead that she says helps her relax?
(a) Wraps his body around her back.
(b) Strokes her hair.
(c) Rubs her temples.
(d) Gives her a massage.

4. Dr. Vogel says that a person with Reactive Attachment Disorder must have had a disruption within what period of their life?
(a) Middle age.
(b) Early childhood.
(c) Adolescence.
(d) Prior to puberty.

5. What is the reason for the delay the morning of the first day of Jacob's trial?
(a) Traffic in front of the courthouse gets snarled.
(b) The judge is late arriving to court.
(c) The news cameras are adjusting their feeds.
(d) Jacob disappears for an hour right before the trial.

6. In what year does Jacob's trial for murder begin?
(a) 2011.
(b) 2009.
(c) 1998.
(d) 2007.

7. Dr. Vogel pronounces that Jacob's what is not "at the same level as his peers" (295)?
(a) Psychological health.
(b) Emotional maturity.
(c) Moral compass.
(d) Set of scruples.

8. What does Jacob say about how he thinks that jury feels about him after the first day of trial?
(a) They are not paying him any attention.
(b) They do not like him.
(c) They like him.
(d) They are giving him the benefit of the doubt.

9. Neal refers to Jacob by what word or phrase when speaking to the jury about Jacob?
(a) The murderer.
(b) The young man.
(c) The teen.
(d) The defendant.

10. In addition to the 12 jurors chosen for the jury, how many alternates are chosen?
(a) 2.
(b) 6.
(c) 4.
(d) 3.

11. What is something Derek tells Andy he had NOT told Neal?
(a) That Jacob had had blood on his hand the day of Ben's murder.
(b) That Ben had been bullying Jacob.
(c) That Jacob had claimed to know how to get away with murder.
(d) That Jacob had owned a knife.

12. How old is Andy's biological father at the time he first visits him in prison?
(a) 64.
(b) 72.
(c) 78.
(d) 51.

13. What type of pornography does Derek say Jacob reads online?
(a) Hardcore porn.
(b) Softcore porn.
(c) Cutter porn.
(d) Fetish porn.

14. What is the term for the question and answer process through which juries are chosen?
(a) Noir Raison.
(b) Voir ans.
(c) Film noir.
(d) Voir dire.

15. Andy tells Matthew that the age of consent in Massachusetts is what age?
(a) 16.
(b) 14.
(c) 15.
(d) 18.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does David name as telling David's family to speak to no one until after the trial?

2. What allusion is being used within Dr. Vogel's psychiatric diagnosis of Jacob?

3. On what device does Derek say Jacob reads and writes pornographic stories?

4. What form of physical contact does Andy initiate with Matthew to get him to talk?

5. How much money does Matthew say Patz had given him in exchange for allowing Patz to touch Matthew's body over his clothes?

(see the answer keys)

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